vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

Today: WINE tasting

Yes comrades: W I N E
As if that meant anything in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and later

Only from the 90s onwards I came to acknowledge WINE as an acceptable item in human discourse.

Not my own choice, whatdoyouthink!, but my wife's influence

I've had wives before.
In fact I started in the early 70s. I still carry my fiancee's ring in my wallet. WHY? I don't know, maybe because of the gold value. I do NOT think so...

BTW: I heard her husband AFTER me, recently suffered a car accident that killed him. Which is tragic for Truus and her two daughters.

Do you really think I would be that sick to gloat on this accident?
I probably am, but in reality terms....I am NOT.

I saw her recent picture.
She is OLD (as I am)
AND thinner ( I am thicker, 77 kilos, last count and NOT losing weight, as I should)
So by-and-by she's done wonderfully.

wanna see her?
do your own google-search, I got results, so can you!

Her sisters: I remember Ineke and Ilse (hope to have THAT right)
are alive I hope...
Father (in the 70s I wished him dead already, the child-abusing, mother molesting SOB that he was.... at the time I do NOT remember Bram Moskowitz defending the family....), he's dead I hope.


I remember Truus, brought me a spoken token of love. On a taperecorder, which you reader may find hard to believe, it really existed in the 70s.
It was a song originating to Herman van Veen, I got this message on my birthday:

Hier heb ik iets voor als de ochtend begint
als een vroege vogel wordt gewekt door de wind
als we wakker worden met de zon in ons bed
heb ik iets voor jou
ik wil alles voor je doen
ik wil alles voor je zijn
'k geef je alles wat ik heb
alles, alles wat ik heb ...

Hier heb ik iets omdat je vaak om me lacht
iets voor als je boos bent, als je huilt en ik zacht
lieve woordjes fluister in 't holst van de nacht
heb ik iets voor jou
ik wil alles voor je doen
ik wil alles voor je zijn
'k geef je alles wat ik heb
alles, alles wat ik heb ...

Lief als jouw glimlach, even breekbaar en teer
liever zonder woorden want het is zoveel meer
meer dan ik kan zeggen dat besef ik elke keer
als ik jou weer zie
ik wil alles voor je doen
ik wil alles voor je zijn
jij bent alles wat ik heb
en alles, alles wat ik heb
is voor jou ...

I did NOT really love her. My Geertruida Wilhelmina HAD to be rescued from her abusive father. I only helped a bit. We managed to deflower ourselves. OK, said, done.

OK, I'm older now, That's nice. She's had her life, I've had mine. I'm sure we differ 360 degrees. But we DID share a precious moment in time.

Can't find her picture, sorry. YOU, OUTSIDERS, get me her link....

The funny thing is:
Her (married) name was PRELLER, a Not such a common name.

My current and always wife's grandmother also carried that family name: PRELLER.

In short: my first and my last love share the same family name.

Ain't that nice?


dinsdag 19 oktober 2010


Sorry, but I'm not allowed to use that word (creativity I mean) in vain. My elementary school teacheress told me so when I brought her HUGE flowers on her birthday (I was second grade at the time, meaning 8 years old, I guess she was 21, so only 14 years the difference).

These flowers I stole from my parents garden and they were pink (at the time I didn't even know the name of that colour, as I was only 8 years old). I simply LOVED my teacheress, she must be 70-ish right now, don't know her name, but if she scans the internet I say to her: .

So I ruined my father's 'rododendrons' (let somebody near you translate that into english...)

I pleased my teacheress. I earned merit points that day. My fellow class-mates were in awe, envious, jealous and afterwards... hostile against me. Oh well, you learn while doing... I recently re-found my school reports for that period. I NOW conclude: my teacheress loved me too, there really is not much difference in age between her and my wife, THUS, I could have earned her love. OH., who cares..).

As I said, I'm NOT creative. My father taught me to draw mountain slopes with shades (of sunlight). I copied his thoughts, got some favourable marks, but never got the hang of it.

That (birthday) day I learned (before my time) to be aware of no-good-ever-envious-SOB's and I am pleased to say I enjoy that experience daily, dealing with ordinary, I mean second-rate, I DO mean 'inferior quality' like people.

I like people. My Motto is: I live by the grace of others.
OK, and then....
I like people I can communicate with.
OK, and then....
I like people I can communicate with that have the audacity to agree or to disagree with me.
OK, and then....
I offer them a drink.
In a REAL cafe...
Not in a diner.... they are sooooo 70-ish, so Witherspoon, so 'GET CARTER', so 'Rosemary's baby' [goddamnbeautifulmovie that sparked Woody to marry its main character].

Idea: what 60-70-ish movie do you REALLY like...
and do NOT tell me Kramer versus Kramer, PLEASE... (I like the movie BTW but that is not the point). I like Novecento (Bertolucci, It IS a 5 hour movie, so what?), I like a lot of moves from that period, come see my collection.....

(@ this moment. I'm not allowed to drive anymore, so? I'm not driving, just typing, who cares)

Who visits a diner.... (people that audition in MGM movies?)
I watch the MGM channel and enjoy it (now and again)...
MGM (WROWWWGHH lion sounds, full stop), you'll experience it all the time..


This line is meant as a marker, a barrier, a wall,

We live dangerously these years. (see the movie 'theyearoflivingdangerously', dealing with the transition of power from Sukarno to his successor in New-born Indonesia). All is in vain, NOTHING is real. The Oppressor is gone, we are Islamic, we know best, we are OUR OWN.

Everything originating out of FAITH is self pity.
See the Judean faith
See the Christian Faith
See the Islamic Faith.

Originating from the same source, their only creed is...
To disagree. And that rules the world, DAILY.

To Disagree on matters they agree about.
Full stop.

From 1967 onwards.. when I reached the age of 18 years
I debated with people (girls mainly)
about THE way to follow, the road to alive-dom.

It was in France, a small town to the south of Calais, You may refer to it as HONFLEUR
(my 'brommer' only got that far, my college friend got to the WW2 shores and enjoyed himself)

I met these people, girls extremely educated, beautiful but wise, a normal 'condition humaine' wouldn't you say?

As I siad: Well-educated
I do Not Criticise their choice...
They favoured Mitterrand, who (at the time) earned his presidency over France (he got it a few years later)

(nowadays I would conclude: SHIT all over the place...[although the girls were ever SO attractive and there was no competition {{french that is}} as the french squabble about pension age the rest of Europe already digested years ago.)

That would put their mark on human history from May 1968 onwards. Remember the 60's? Did not think you would. Globalisation did not reach Guinness-book-of-records at that time.

They were misinformed.
I Mean it.

Pension reforms right now
in 2010
which would have counted
in 1969

Were undeniably sub-counted at the time. Nobody knew shit @ the time.

I did (know).

I started a discussion, foolish me...

in (OK, a few years later, I had to graduate Y'all know)]
..... I don't know the year anymore, '85?

Something like that...

I organised a seminar with pension hot shots
(all of them are never heard of nowadays, 'cause they are dead, forgotten, never appeared on ABC, the dutch ABC equivalent, or otherwise), except for Jean Frijns, head of investments at the larget dutch pension fund.

They played their game
They spoke, for everyone present to hear
They were NEVER HEARD.
'Cause the netherlands were NOT keen on hearing their story.
We're talking 1985... YOU HEAR!!!???!!!
That is 25 years in our past.

Full stop.

My creative talents are restricted to blog/internet

You just became its victim.

Sleep tight

Bye & Greets

woensdag 13 oktober 2010

An adult once again

Today (actually, yesterday when I wrote this blog entry), October 12,
I gained my adultship as a doctor of economics.
Thursday, October 12, 1989 I defended my dissertation
against my (carefully selected) peers at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

The thesis itself of course meant nothing in the world of economics.
It did not even dent economic theory,
except the Groningen version of it (read on, you'll get the message).

Let me introduce:
I wrote my dissertation for the sake of my mother,
not for economics.

My mother was critically ill of cancer at the time.
As 1988 neared, her doctors gave her 'only a few months'.

I took that very seriously as my entry into 'scientific orbit',
so I told my boss I wanted to write/finish a dissertation
and gave him a sort of summary of my plans
of the thing
the dissertation's subject and (for me) the final answer,
in research results as well as in method's terms.

He agreed.
So I decided to write.
(given only free time as time allotted to this excercise in time efficiency)
(cause I was ever so much overbooked in teaching chores)
(but who cared... nobody, BUT faculty board members....)

I took a long leave of absence in the summer of '88
(read my booklet on this and related subjects, I have still 15 copies for sale)
and I completed the verbal text in 4 weeks time, writing on a mountain
looking out over a beautiful lake in southern France.

I returned to Rotterdam and knew I had to substantiate my words
with empirical results, which were/are required for any research in economics.

At the time the university was dealing with the then important question
of centralising or decentralising computer power...
The PC was only there for the elite, the university slaves.

I decided on decentralising and bought an Olivetti MS-DOS machine,
which was NOT AT ALL capable of dealing with my problems

I next related on a comrade in arms, my then collegue Geert-Jan Kremer
Who helped me configure my empirical questions,
into managable statistical terms to be programmed into the faculty main frame.

I understood and gave in.
Months passed while I was calculating my 'thing'
on the machine.
It performed, I MUST say, beautifully.

I got my results,
they proved my initial ideas,
better still, it waved my doubts and confirmed my long-lived anthem:

Economics is not about theory, it is simply empirics, and that's that.

I was raised an economist in 60's, 70's and 80's theoretical fashion:
Everything was in equilibrium,
exceptions to the rule were only momentarily.

How low can you go....

I happen to be a member of a generation of students,
that were brainwashed into thinking,
that theory ruled
and empirics were only needed to confirm (NOT TO REJECT) theory

Of course we all know nowadays that this is reality reversed.
Give 5 economists a problem to answer,
and you will get 7 answers,
8 answers if any of the economists studied at Harvard.

My empirics told the story of continuous disequilibrium
where journal articles at the time ONLY mentioned equilibrium.

I devoted a whole chapter specifically on this topic,

My doctoral committee consisted of three peer-like semi-gods I selected myself
(my boss/supervisor, an econometrician and a Groningen Nerd
who considered himself to be the demigod of financial economics at the time).

Wrong, Wrong, absolutely wrong (my choice of peers that is)
My boss agreed to my proposal
(reasonable cause I asked him time and time over again
if THIS -the thing I created- was good enough).

He said yes.

I talked to the econometrician and asked him what he thought.
He told me: it's OK, it's not brilliant (as if I did not know) but it's OK.

2 out of three agreed on my dissertation.

Then the Groningen Mongol wrote his answer:

I summarise and use my own words to characterise his remarks:

You (that means I) DISREGARD common findings as published in literature.
You show NO respect to commonly accepted financial economic principles.
You will never get these ideas published,
cause they are outside the accepted paradigm.
I cannot accept this dissertation.

I was shocked.
It appeared that one of my selected peers was more a moron than I could ever have expected.
The man was completely bogus, not fit to be a full professor,
In short a complete idiot.

So I changed my dissertation,
(BTW: my mother's life had only a few months to go according to medical morons).
I skipped the most essential part of my dissertation
which was about the 'normality' of disequilibrium in economics.

And finally the Groningen moron accepted the story.

So I got my degree
On October 12, 1989
and my mother was present,

I selected the cloth my sister made her a dress from
and she looked beautiful
Cancer everywhere,
but she looked happy and beautiful
and smiled at me,
the whole nine yards that the dissertation defense took (i.e. 45 minutes).

I got my doctorate,
I never spoke to the Groningen sucker again after this time,
I heared he suffered a nervous breakdown.

I hope I have been partly to blame.

May his Reformed-church-pious-obedience-to-the-common-good-of-science
helps him to finally see the light (= the opposite of the former sentence)
but I fear
if I hear

a COMMON sound
in my ear....

(the last 5 lines are copies from B. Dylan)

I enjoyed my 'victory'
I was allowed into the brotherhood of the few, the 'doctorates' of economics
without it, you do not count.
with it, and without network, the same.

I had no network, so do your own math...

And I published my expelled chapter
in a well-regareded book on economic methodology
the same year. So I got my revenge.

21 years later....
I am my own person
I still believe financial economics is disequilibrium economics

and every single day
I am proven right.

Forget the Groningen moron,
he does not count and is forgotten anyway

I, to the contrary, have a private -not business- network I hope to enjoy
the rest of my life.

I earn 5 euros per hour doing my thing (apart from my pension which, I admit, is a bit more)
I teach people financial things,
that are common knowledge for university students
but don't mean shit to 'the common man'

And I like it.

(and as it happens: on my 21st doctorate birthday the Nobel committee
again chose the wrong people for their Economics Prize...
OK, father, they do not know what they're doing....)

maandag 4 oktober 2010


Only happy thoughts, I promised a friend, and a friend is your better half! So I'm entering Happy Country.

The rest of this message is to be regarded as the purest form of 'happy' I can imagine.

But the flesh as well as the mind is weak.

Let's ask ourselves: what is there to be happy about, to feel happy, to enjoy happiness, to give happiness, and in my case: to endure happiness?

You happy?
I am!

You deliver happiness?
I don't!

What's there to be happy about, in a country governed by (light and runny) brown-coloured politicians (DO forget racism and think first of PO-LI-TI-CAL colours, Please)

But at least I am happy.
I voted opposition (beware, in a few years they may come and get you/me...)
Opposition loses votes,
to the POPULAR vote.

The vote that means 90% of the votes, (90% is the non-informed, more-or-less stupid vote),
The non-thinking-anything-else-but food-and-games-vote,
The I-want-my-peace-and-fuck-the-rest vote,
The I-want-my-sitcoms-I-want-my-funny-videos-I-want-my-tragic-accidents-vote,
The I-have-my-vote-and-will-send-my-big-brother-if-you-do-not-submit-vote,
The Education-is-for-the-rich-we-are-construction-people-and-thus-strong-vote,
The We-have-pictures-on-our-body-which-count-votes.

Did you see the World Soccer Championship?
Did you see the latest trend?
It was pictures (commonly known as tattoos) on every player's fore-arms?
Did you see soccer games lately?
Did you recognise the pictures on fore-arms...
that soccer players use to impress their 'enemies', their co-combatants in the field,
which By-The-Way wear the same pctures on their arms?
So that these pictures do NOT make a difference...
except in the pityful mini-brains of soccer players themselves, that think only of their net worth next soccer season?

Well, then you know what I mean!

(the rest of this message is dutch-oriented, so foreigners may skip it)

Did you see Maxime (christinheavendemocrat) try to shed a tear last saturday?
He canNOT do this convincingly, even Michelle Pfeiffer does this better and she is BAD at it.

But he won the popular vote in his party...
2 out of 3 went for him...
1 out of 3 went against him...

In his party (21 seats in Parliament),
this means 14 votes for Maxime (I never ate there)
and 7 votes for the party's internal opposition.

This opposition vote is claimed by only 2 people (out of the mentioned and calculated 7):

Ad & Kathleen (read your papers)

So 5 out of seven are NOT represented in Maxime's party,
although the party congress vote defined the 7 votes...
against taking part in a minority government, 'tolerated' [there is no english word for 'gedogen'] by a non-democratically organised party/movement, that undermines constitutional values)...

To be sure, given current circumstances they will not succeed,
may be different after the next elections....

Mind you, I agree with undermining constitutional values whenever religion is the guiding factor. I am an atheist since the age of 12. I agree with [foolish, non-informed, in denial, conservative, fundamentalist] people that deny evolution, will not allow abortion, do not accept the ever-increasing need for euthanesia, believe in deities that 2000(+) year old people worshipped, who were not privy to the advances of science (the sun as centre of our solar system, earth's gravity, a round/ellipsoid earth, ET, sicknesses that can be cured if you only know how, non-sexual reproduction, understanding nature, OK, I admit, non-knowledge of cancer treatment, but at least helping HIV/AIDS patients to stay alive. How could they. It happened after they finished writing/inventing/phantasising their so-called holy books, be they Thora, New Testament, Qu-ran or Morman babblings).

What my (christian reformed church) upbringing (amongst other atrocities) taught me was: respect your fellow men, do not hate, do not go to war, do not lie, do not become estranged from your fellow men (women included), but do good deeds, worship your deity, and die peacefully in the hope you'll be rewarded with heaven (of course the last part of this sentence starting with ' but do good deeds....' is not my cup of tea [whether Lapsang or Earl Grey]).

I do not and will never believe in menmade phantasies, how well-designed they may be.

I will never see benign wisdom in Maxime's tears. I promise to die whenever I will vote for a christinheavendemocrat ideology.
I'll only see the fight for power in their eyes, not Maxime's artificial [Machiavellian] tears.

Does that mean that the 2 christinheavendemocrat Parliament members should/ought to/must succomb...
to party unity?
Is this democracy?

Historians (if ever they are allowed to live) in 2050 will analyse our time and conclude that after the first 4 decades of the millennium, of course, the whole of Judaism/Christianity/Islam (and other lesser deity associations) have died out, for the sake of the furthering of human existance.

And that is a good thing.
Let's prepare for the coming 50's....

Whoopi (not Goldberg),


zondag 3 oktober 2010


(this entry is greatly influenced by a columnist of JOOP.NL, the dutch version of the Huffington Post).

Globalisation. Who does not know the term. Who does not love it/hate it.
It has a mostly economic connotation: Entrepreneurs grow from national to international and later global players. We are told that globalisation is a good thing.

(although there IS opposition from anti-globalists, a NOT to be disregarded opposition).

Depending on your Google-skills you're able to find many or even millions of articles dealing with the subject of globalisation.

Now we turn the subject around to different angles.
Globalisation is NATIONAL BUSINESS growing into GLOBAL BUSINESS.
Behind business is money. The same thing goes.

Money used to be 'traded' country specific, nowadays global money is the trend. A bank that does not operate globally is regarded as the financial loser of all times.

Take it one step further.
Behind business, behind money is labour/employment/people/jobs/families.

You guessed right: Labour transformed from local to national to international to global.
Ever heard the term 'expats'? If no Google, if yes than you know what I mean.

The dutch started early in time. From the 16th/17th century an abundance of dutch people chose to find their future abroad (VOC and more). We co-colonised the yet to be invented USA and Canada, we followed traders into East Asia, China, Australia and elsewhere.

If employed by dutch firms, they all were expats. If they endeavoured on their own they were emigrants.

All of them brought wooden shoes, cheese, licorice, the reformed church and Santa Claus to the world.
Of course they were not alone. During the same period 100.000's of French, British, Irish, Spanish etcetera opted for the same choice: expats and emigrants.

Bad thing? Any different from (economic) globalisation? Course not!

Now the turnaround.

Suppose you live in one of the countries that are flooded with the formerly mentioned expats and emigrants, for them immigrants.
It influences their way of life, they experience not-known foreign traditions, customs, religions, politics, language, fashion, money and so forth.

Rings a bell?

Suppose all dutch would regard all foreign influence in THEIR country in the same way... as immigrants/expats just like Americans/Africans/Asians/Australians (BTW: all continents-names start with an A, except Europe).

Which continent do you think is better in dealing/coping with immigrants/expats?
In short: with human globalisation?

RIGHT: NOT EUROPE (let alone the dutch)!

vrijdag 1 oktober 2010

My future government

My country is in shambles.
I drink too much.
My neighbour has appalling ideas.
My city is in ruins.
I do NOT have enough pills to end my life whenever I feel like.

I seem to have a new government.
Let's concentrate on that and forget the rest (I lied, I DO have enough pills)

Today (yesterday to be exact but I live entertainment hours, so today is an extension of yesterday) we heard a Press Conference of our to-be trio of power..

We heard our 'state of the union' (yes, we still have colonies).
Let me start by stating that it was a nice show.
By Three people.
That were unable to tell the same story, but were 'of one mind'
Although one said This and the other said That.

In short: we had 3 party leaders, of whom 2 talked the same language...
thinking that what 'ought to be' was enough to convince the poor suckers who provided 90% of their votes June last.

and the 1 (GW, see later), who provoked his 2 'friends' while promoting their opposite, and won the popular vote. Reread my former Blogs in order to know why I HATE the popular vote.!

This threesome will reign the NL for the coming (max) 4 years. (I swear, but hope to die)

I predict: The 1 person...(Geert Wilders, GW for short) will IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, defeat the other 2. HE holds the power by (no english word available) CONDONING his fellow (yes, they were all male) men, his 'collegues' to accept their everneeded votes, to help form a majority (of 1 vote, even US-Congress, let alone US-Senate would not accept this) to legalise any of their proposals.
(Remind me of this prediction in coming months/years). (I mean this!)

The worst thing is:
I am in favour of the lonely cowboy's ideas.. (GW's ideas)
(shame on me....)
What does that make me...? An ultraconservative Tea Party member?....

Or 1 out of 16 million that says: Tea parties are nice, but we also need a non-religious future, which islam will not provide (look up the statistics - and disregard the oil proceeds for islam countries- and you'll see what I mean). Islam will provide NO THING WHAT SO EVER (do not mind the punctuation, it is meant that way).

Christianity and Islam (this time capitalized out of pity) are monotheistic, anti-democratic (did Aristotle acknowledge their mono-god? NO, which part of 'NO' did you NOT understand)

and are incapable of being time-independant. They are defunct, super-old fashioned (to say the least) and incapable of following the human 21st century kind of mind.

In short: they are so redundant, there isn't even a word for their non-existance. The same goes for Judaism, the same goes for Islam, the same goes for Hinduism, the same goes for Christianity, the same goes for any 'belief' in deities that of course do not exist (when ever will any scientist [except steven hawking] prove their non-existance. I DO want to lay in non-sacred soil...).

I say it and I repeat it: religion is men's most creative phantasy, and that's it. (I retract the 'opium for the people', Karl Marx phrase, because it has a connotation to acquire drugs -which costs money- while religion costs nothing (if you regard your life as worthless, if you regard your cultural, philosophical, social, emphatic, economical life as such).....)


And don't give a shit for the next Dutch government. I don't!
(the only problem is: we do NOT have an intelligent, creative, future-resistant, media-resistant opposition)

Again: H E L P!

This took 4 whiskys, 2 calva's and a clear mind. Sleep well.

My bottle is empty, my sleep time has finally arrived. I tell (not bid) you all goodbye and see you later.

But in the NL, I'm in a tight spot (untill next elections).

In short: our new government wants to minimise immigration by Muslims, wants to send them home when they commit serious crimes, wants immigrants to speak dutch (more or less fluently after they took 'immigration lessons'), denies family-reunitism by denying mothers and children to unite with their father, only wants higher education immigrants, stops subsidising city pamphlets in Turkish/Maroccan or you-name-it, stops subsidies to encourage integration of Muslimas by annihalating any money to programs to do just that.

In shorter short: they want Arienism. WHERE DID I HERE T H A T BEFORE?

That is my future government.
And I am supposed to agree on that.
Because I live here (in the NL)

I sure am fucked.
(although I also think Islam is an ideology, more than it is a religion)