woensdag 31 maart 2010

Allah, Islamists, war, terorism, fundamentalism

Allah is eveywhere...
Is he?
Allah needs believers and does not accept other religions
Allah is a man and does not accept women as equals
Allah demands war against unbelievers
Allah (or mohammed, it's all the same) has no 'new Quran, part 2'

Like the christians have.
Nice move of the christians, because
without part 2 they would have practically no alternative
compared to the Quran.

Allah is a refuge for all sucker-Muslims that earn below minimum wage
All Muslims outside Europe and the USA earn less than minimum wage

Allah has below minimum wage believers (a GREAT majority)
The war muslims wage is a war against poverty
disguised as a religious war, a war of fundamentalist Islamism
against non-believers.

So, Muslim war is a war against poverty
Muslims are jealous
Muslims are economically impaired

You (no-Muslim) are rich
You have jeans, we (Muslims) have djaballahs
You have iPhones, we (Muslims) have our physical network
We are poor,
We have nothing (but Allah)
We do not like this
so we commit murder,
suicide bombers,
911, and so forth.
(in fact we are the suckers of society and we object to that)
(but we do not want to improve our situation either, because that implies we work..).

We also have an alternative to western capitalism
We call it Islamic Banking
But we do not have good marketing professionals
So our ideas are not known to the rest of the world
Shame on us....

Our women work
we do not.
We is defined as MALE.

These lines are heard all over the world,
I am not the first to write them
These lines have never been questioned
These lines are true.

I loath religion.
Wake me up when they are dead.

Religion is opium for the people.
I'm not an addict.


According to neuroscientist Victor Lamme free wil does not exist. He wrote a book about it, is invited to talk shows, so he's right. Conclusion of the book: All decisions the brain takes are pre-programmed within different parts of the brain which implies that free will independant of e.g. the amygdala does not exist.

Are you gay, straight, creative, smart, left-handed, left-voting, liberal or conservative, full of fear, violent, peaceful, humorous, adventurous, a thinker, a do-er, all is predefined in the brain.

So the Reformed Church was right after all. They believe there is nothing a person can do or not do, specifically with regards to committing a sin, that has to do with free will. This paradigm is based upon the idea of an all-knowing deity, who knows exactly what a person will do or not do during his/her life. The only thing humans can do is to try and live a pious life, to try and minimise sinning, knowing that they are doomed or saved from the moment they were born.

Change deity for brain and everything falls into place: our brain is our person(ality).

Think of the consequences....

We can forget psycho-analysis (treatments sessions will never change our brain).
We can forget behavioral sciences (this is all about learning tricks anyway)
Counselling is behavioral so we can forget about that too
Anti-agression therapy and more of the same: forget it
Resocialising criminals and other addicts: stop funding immediately

This changes reality big time. For example elections. We can discard of that phenomenon of democracy. The brain decides what your political conviction is, so voting is not necessary. Brain scan all legal voters (you only have to do this once in their lifetime) and the next parliament is chosen. Bills will be passed by parliaments in seconds based on brain scan results.
And so on.

Live well
(sorry, you will or won't anyway)

maandag 22 maart 2010

Health care

Today a phenominal 98-year old record has been broken. A US-Health Bill, giving insurance to all (but 5%) has been passed. Obama is to blame. As he promised in his campaign speeches. As no-one believed afterwards. As all Republicans opposed. And some Democrats.

Yes, The US can...

be a civilized state if it wants to be...

I am proud to witness this event although
it might be short-lived
untill elections next October...

He has my vote
And also the votes of the families that emigrated from the US to the Netherlands..

Hope it will be only individuals that do the same thing,
because 320 million americans immigrating into our country,
would be a trifle too much, I think...

But it would counterbalance our Muslim population..
What to choose..
Be aware...

dinsdag 9 maart 2010


Let us be clear about things: Bankers know shit about their business.

They do NOT know the full meaning of CDS'es, they do not know how bonuses are supposed to be implemented and earned without creating implied risks or -simpler- without being perverse. They do not know that numerous risks exist, they are ignorant about the risks they take, in short I conclude: banking should not be left to bankers. Why? Because banking facilitates the efficient management of money.

Bankers are unaware of the fact that they exist for the sole purpose of providing a suitable infrastructure for the management of money.

Yes my readers (hope to have earned the plural of 'reader'), I mean exist when I say so.

Infrastructure is all that distinguishes government from business and civilians (my simplest definition...).

Infrastructue (MY DEFINITION) means:
  • a full range of education (for every body, every soul in existance)
  • full access to: energy demands, water demands, sewage needs, and the like (see below)
  • digital information, which translates into a free access to internet, radio, television and more
  • analog information, through connections from somewhere to anywhere (e.g. telephone, fax)
  • public transportation, even from one suburb to the other and anything further away, so including at least trams, buses and trains
  • private transportation infrastructure, thus including roads, traffic lights and signs, traffic police and more
  • banking facilities, from chequing account facilities to efficient payment systems, from daily payments to automated (cheaper, but not acknowledged) transfers
  • health care
  • and more (do NOT tempt me to address them all....)

What have we seen, regarding the above list, for the last two decades? More and more elements of infrastructure have been privatised but health care as of the 22nd of March has been DE-privatized, and that is a victory.

We also know that the above list shows more items than one is used to: information, banking and more.

As far as banking is concerned, the Netherlands has seen a bizar development. As a result of the banking/financial/incompetency crisis the biggest banks have been privatised or have been refinanced with government funding. The financial market was bankrupt, could not take care of themself anymore, had to be helped by government.

All this showes that private enterprise cannot be left alone. They simply cannot function (in their own rights) compared to a government funded reality (although the enemy of efficiency is bureaucracy)...

Worse: they should not be able to function...

I simply propose: internet and banking must not be privatized. Private enterprise has shown to be incompetent to be left alone.

OK, I grant: food (processing), trains, planes and automobiles, sure they may be in private hands (but beware of train and plane companies because they tend to show negative benefits).

In fact, all business has been granted the opportunity to be at par with real persons, as in law. They sure made a hell of a mess of it.

The future will tell if their joint disability to remain independent is justified.

I, Me, Myself doubt this.

Your belief(s)

Shit hits the fans today my friends. I'm showing my inner feelings, hope you'll do the same after reading the following message:

Ever read "the origins of christianity and the bible", by Andrew D. Benson? No? That's what I thought, but you should. In fact you MUST, because this is one of the finest books you'll ever read. It's not to be obtained easily, you'll have to find it, order it, pay it and finally receive and read it. It easily mends your doubts regarding your innermost religious feelings/beliefs, by destroying them altogether. I'm not exaggerating. It WILL destroy your religious beliefs, so if you wanna be scared/chicken or whatever: DO NOT ORDER THIS BOOK. If you're a dare devil, a bungee jumper of soul matters, be my guest and read PLUS deny this book. At the end you'll receive gratification, you'll be cleansed, you can live your life unhindered by lies, fairy tales, bed-time stories, child-play and more.

Judaism, Christianity, Muslimity, Hinduism and more of the same find their origin in the sun, THE SUN. Hores, the descendant of the sun-god RA, the Egyptian equivalent of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (not to forget Buddha) holds a Gold Olympic Medal in Religion by having created all the fairy tales that surround "common" beliefs.

Creation from a rib, born under a new star in poor circumstances around Mid-Winter, died on a cross (or pole which was the custum in those days and was more painful), resurrected after 3 days (or two+ days as the bible tells us), ascended into heaven witnessed by true fans, rebirth after so-many years (no exact dates, first believed to be a 1000 years, now stricken from history to be 2000 years). All this has been told from Hores, via a number of people amongst which are true heroes like Moses, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Offer the people games and they will take ANYTHING for granted. Hell and Heaven, virgins in the afterlife, an incarnation better than the one you left behind, happiness for all 'believers', selection (into heaven) based on predestination (meaning the absence of free will) by BibleBelt Believers, et cetera.

I am SO mad, I'm not TAKING it anymore (taken from the movie 'NETWORK' with a beautiful Faye Dunaway.... Dun Away, DONE away?.. be your own linguist)

Everything is vanity, Preachers tells us (for the non-informed: Preachers is a Book in the Bible...).

From Hores to Dyonisis, to Mithras to Jesus everything is the same: beit
• the birthday: december 25 fifth, or Mid Winter (to accommodate the pagan people)
• the death: Easter (also pagan, commemmorating Spring)
• the resurrection (3 days after death), why 3? well, it's better than 1 or 2!
• the ascension (witnessed, thus true [?])

How come that 'world' religions place so much emphasis in dates (all together) that they do not even wonder why predecessor-religions all had exactly (meaning E X A C T L Y) the same dates?

Religion is opium for the people (K. Marx, 19th century)

Religion rapidly changed into fear of the non-believer (compare history, no sources, Google is your friend, in fact Google is your sole soulmate from here to eternity) as they were the enemy: at the time they did NOT have the luxury of knowing the Iron Curtain, Development nations and the like.

In the Middle Ages the world (as they knew it then) was in turmoil. All heretics were doomed, were killed, burned, murdered, hanged, you name it. It was a simple world: the KING or the Priest KNEW, full stop.

In the 20th and 21st century all non-Muslims were threatened to be killed, by Muslim believers/extremists. El-Quaida (translation: the BASE) was/is the favourite heroe of the Christianity Killing Fields (also a movie, look it up on imdb.com). Financed by oil $$, by opium $$, by strong believers of hatred, it is the most envied competitor of Christian marketing (why did I say Christian where christian would suffice?).

I LOATH RELIGION and religious people. Father, forgive them for they do not know shit!

If your IQ score is above 100 you are supposed NOT to believe in historic idiotic trust in a fairy god-person creating (from nothing, which is a true miracle) everything. You ought to trust the big bang theory above the two creationist stories in Genisis (oh, you did not know the bible recounts 2 [=TWO] creations of men? Re-read your favourite bible and continue to read this Blog).

You never heard your mother/father tell you bed-time stories about Hores, about Mithras, Dyonisis and the like? OK, does that satisfy you? Do you really mean you have gained maturity WITHOUT alternative truths/bed-time stories? Really? Come on, R E A L L Y ? Do you really believe that the cradle you were put in (at time of birth) holds the uppermost true superstory?

OK, so you did NOT know. OK, not too much is lost. There is hope. You are in a position to discover THE truth. But do you really want to? Or are you to proud, too brainwashed, too scared to become 'familiar' with it? Are you so willing to step besides yourself, forget about your family, your education, your bed-times stories in order to get a grips on reality?


OK, than share this with me:

• there is no god
• religion is men's most creative invention
• you can save by NOT paying yearly church membership fees
• you may sin (as bad as you like) and live a happy life
• when you die, you die, full stop.
• prayers take a minimum of 18 years to be answered (ask Einstein)
• all religious Zeolists are mistaken (= there are no virgins in heaven)
• your sunday school teacher did NOT tell you if ADAM had a navel
• Adam had no navel.
• there is no heaven
• there is no hell
• if you die, you die, full stop
• so LIVE, while you have the opportunity to do so

This was my message.
Any comments are appreciated.

zondag 7 maart 2010

Artificial countries

Let's talk artificial countries.

First (of course) we have Afghanistan. A people at war for the last 30 years or more. A people that has been rampaged by numerous wars, Russia for (simple) starters, did not succeed in taming the wild bunch. The US, aided by NATO, did not succeed in bringing peace. Now the president -Karzai- wants everybody foreign OUT while he has his elections. Billions have been spent by foreign forces to ensure.... WHAT .... PEACE?... don't make me laugh, and the opium still finances the Taliban in their effort to subdue 50 or more %% of their people, Wasted money, wasted energy. Get out while you can.

Second (of course) is Belgium, a country so divided that even words cannot prevent its utter destruction as a nation (beware of the language spoken). Nitwits rule as thoughts run wild. Anyone can see that half the nation is french, the other half is dutch/flamish and a few percentage points are german. Need I say more: this country is doomed and has IMHO no right to exist.

Third is China. The biggest economic force of the last decade and more. I proposed an idea some 20 years ago: The gest of it all was that Shanghai would soon be the financial economic capital of the world within years. Everybody laughed. Are they laughing now? But China is not A country. It is at least 3 or more countries. First it has two economic systems (capitalist enclaves and a rural, poor, communist 'backbone'. Second it has four or more languages, although they succeeded in holding on to one WRITTEN language. Third their are numerous minorities, of which Tibet and Oigur-country are the best known. Fourth they themselves think the country is incomplete without Taiwan. Think of a few other critical elements yourself.

Fourth is Denmark. They showed the world - cartoon-wise - that we are not willing to bow for extremist Allah-people. Allah-people are rather insensitive to humour. They only believe in their self-interest, so they do not condone cartoons that humour their holy boy Mohammed. Denmark however does not know how to cope and really wants to forget its Muslim inhabitants. Above all they want to remain the exception people in Europe. Everything the EU proposes gets 'undone' in Denmark. They are not really a EU member state. They want to be forgotten altogether.

Fifth is England or, as it is better known: the UK, with their silly British £, the laughing stock of international currencies. Remember Northern Rock? Remember RBS? Remember all the financial disasters the UK had to cope with. Then you know what I mean. If not: Google is your friend. The UK is Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Island and these ministates are so different that they can easily be compared to Belgium. Need I say more?

Sixth is Finland, only I do not know why. Enlighten me.

Seventh is Greece. Their crimes are endless. They should NOT have been a EURO country in the first place, but were admitted by morons that could not distinguish real from corrupt. Shame on them. Shame on the EURO, it should never have started including Greece. Greek politics is really about two rivalling families that have continually traded places in government (including a junta dictatorship) through the years. Greek food is really Turkish. Greece cheats its people, is corrupt and undermines the euro, helped by other EU states that will not confront them or exile them.

Eighth is Hungary. Started out as a non-believer in Soviet ideology (since 1956) but never acquired financial maturity until 2010 (and further). Get lost!

Nineth is Italy. Especially under the de-brilliant guidance of Berlusconi, this country -economically- continues to prove it's poor performance by promising it's citizens golden pensions and doing nothing spectacular about it's corruption, Maffia/Camorra in every major part of the land. Italy is the rich north and the poor south plus Sicily which is not centrally controlled for decades and remains to act as an independant substate.

Tenth is Japan that suffers from a 30 year depression that seems to recover - but does not - from it, and still thinks that prosperity for all is around the corner. Japan is completely dependant on exports and imports. They have no wealth of their own except industrial design and intelligence. They cannot make enemies (anymore) so they are not friends of anyone either. If they take a stand in any political matter, they might be cut of from importing or exporting goods. In fact Japan is an enterprise, not a nation.

Eleventh is Kazakhstan that has enough oil to make it a leading energy nation, but blunders to transform into a neat economy.

Twelfth is Lichtenstein, that has bank laws preventing any kind of control by third parties, thus rendering the country into a rogue state. With the gradual breakdown of bank secrecy, the country will automatically cease to exist when western countries desire so.

Thirteenth is Mozambique, our saviour, Willem-Alexander (of the Netherlands) tried to build himself a summer residence there. The country itself is destitute of nearly everything and does not count on any scale.

Fourteenth is the Netherlands. They are condemned for having a PM as Balkenende (what's in a name) for the last decade during which he holds the record of never saying ANYTHING during interviews and still being admired (by some 20% of the populace). For the rest they are to be compared to Japan, with the exception of them not being a producer country as Japan is. The Netherlands trade, as they have done for the last 500 years and they trade well. Economically the country is completely dependant on Germany of which it is its so-many-eth province.

Fifteenth is Oman, but I really do NOT know why.

Sixteenth is Portugal. Not that they did too much wrong, but they surely are one of the poorest countries within the EU, and that is something NOT to be proud of. They once were a great nation, depending for wealth on their (South American) colonies, but nowadays they hide behind the mountains in the Iberic peninsula. But they do make great wines and ports.

Seventeenth is Qatar for bailing out Dubai in their venture to be the one country to beat the desert with offering luxury housing on artificial land. Dubai has no oil to sell and nowadays a lot of unsellable houses and offices. Qatar is a banker/oil trader, not a state.

Eighteenth is Russia for letting their country fall into the hands of Chicagoan economists that transformed their economy into a replica of the US of A. The Soviet Union, their political predecessor, had a lot to offer but desintegrated as a result of communist party mismanagement and crimes against humanity. The political transformation has given rise to a caste of criminals obtaining Russian wealth, spending it in Spain and Thailand. Think about it for a while: in Russia former criminals rule as the country changed from communism into capitalism. It makes perfect sense because criminals have always understood the essence of competition: silencing those that threaten your (power) position. Russia is no nation. It is an open prison without judges and ruled by criminals.

Nineteenth is Serbia and Montenegro for destroying their country only to guarantee renewed tourism to blossum, and nothing else. It will break down into still smaller countries depending on the power of ethnicity. Suppose they try to enter the EU. Suppose they will be flooded with EU 'laws' that prohibit ethnic 'cleansing'. How long will it take for them to realise that such a superstate structure is contrary to their sole wishes?

Twentieth is Turkey for continually refusing to acknowledge their genocide of the Arminian people and not even accepting any reference to that. For being a secular state but ruled by Erdogan continually displaying Muslim favoritism. Turkey IS trying to enter the EU. Turkey IS still at war with Greece over Cyprus. Turkey has a Koerdish minority that wants their own -ethnic- state. Turkey is split up between a european and an asian part. All reasons mentioned here mean nothing when Turkey will end talks on EU membership, BUT they mean everything when they persist. Then Turkey will fall apart (as it should).

Twenty-firstth is the United States of America whose intention still is to rule the world where the world has gone two generations beyond. No more US ruling of international politics, no more superficial control of the once famous US$. The USA is a state that needs ongoing economic growth, ongoing brainwashing of their citizens to always behave as consumers demanding more and more each day. In short the USA is an enterprise, not a nation.

Twenty-secondth is Vietnam, the sucker of world (=US) politics. My neighbour goes there all the time and all is well, but numerous 1000-s have lost their lives thinking they lived a good life, only never to be understood.

Twenty-thirth is Western Samoa that is victim to the earth's warming climate. Their existence depends solely on equilibrium: no more rising sea levels. They will lose.

Twenty-fourth is Yugoslavia: a lost cause. Divided into numerous countries they have nothing left of their historical grandeur. Nice to visit though, beit to to 10 different country-like countries. A set of countries divided along the lines ethnicity. Not a (set of) nation(s), but a set of fence-bordered mono-ethnic suburbs, that reintroduced APARTHEID where the rest of the world (?) tries to get rid of that policy.

Zimbabwe is our Twenty-fifth state (omitting the twenty sixth X-country) carrying 10.000ths of inflation %%, we have here a state that is not a state. It solely depends on the US$ for money, has an idiot for president, no economy to speak of, a bleak future full of hunger, sickness, hate and pure undiluted stupidity.

These are the 25/26 idiot countries that do not deserve to be called 'states'. They are truly artificial states.