... and it is called WikiLeaks...
Every conspiracy-prone 'journalist'/'scientist', from Alex Jones to David Icke and back, every 'analysis' of 'secret' organisations like the Illuminati, the Masons, the CIA, or otherwise, has struggled in vain for the last 2000 years to get the attention of the greater public. To warn them, to undisclose 'secrets', to rebel against official politics, to search for 'illegal' activities by ehhh, okay, by governments all over the world, has NOT succeeded in what WikiLeaks has produced in such a short time as official (!!!) evidence of actual truths, laid down in memo's, database lists, inventories, official statements by really existing diplomats and so forth. For everybody to see and check.
WikiLeaks most-known 'official', Julian Assange, is on the run, while he continuously gets his act together and publishes official US documents on a maze of internet servers. Next week: new leaks! and he delivers.
Hurray for him.
Why is it that a pretty normal characteristics of Berlusconi, 'Weak, conceited and ineffective as an European leader', or Angela Merkel: 'Risk averting and seldomly creative', are seen as a 'threat to diplomacy', where every sane body knows these statements to be no more than the truth? We know for a fact that we are governed by sub-standard leaders (if not sub-standard, why ever did they enter politics?) so what is new about these 'leaks'?
But for those of you who thought idealism, political idealism, trust in leaders, our-party-really-is-working-for-the-people, I never doubt my candidate's integrity, freedom of speach, working for the 'greater good', these developments must even convince Y_O_U!
Whenever politics is redefined and maintained as altruism and nothing more than that (given the politician's acceptancey IQ-level of 120), I will try to believe these Y_O_U people, not before. In the meantime I enjoy WikiLeaks, conspiracy theories, the existence of a new WORLD order, The magnificent sories about the US, in preparation of the Patriot Act, creating 911, and millions of that sort of stories, which (IMHO) are mostly partly true.
Would be nice, to have access -thru WikiLeaks preferably- of the 2001 '911'-Gate with George double-U as its Master in Command, the Kennedy MurderGate (we have to wait till 2013 to get this info...), the Destroy-CubaGate (following in full US agression history), The -internationally combined- IraQGate (where 'weopons of Mass destruction' was the leading Theme, the OsamaGate (where OBL was first financed and later 'hunted' downby theUS, although not too fervently in order to stay friends with Sunnite Saudi Arabia)), BernhardGate in the NL (where Bernhard zur Lippe Biesterfeld had a few other crimes on his sleeve except for having received a million or so from Lockheed),
as it was nice to be extensively informed of the Watergate NixonPaper-and-audio-Gate info.
Google is your friend and Governments are STILL too late to understand its potential.
CU next time
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