I've got something on my mind and it is called 'honor killing'.
I've something else on my mind and that is the topic of today: C U L T U R E.
It's a mean thing, culture, more mean when you mix one culture with another, or -even worse- mix one culture with a multitude of others.
My 2 bits: I do NOT believe in mixed culture societies. Never have, never will.
Sounds pretty right wing, right?
And maybe it is.
You cannot be leftwing all of the time,
while being rightwing some of the time?
Is that it?
I think so.
So be it.
Focus on the position of non-western culturally educated girls between 12 and 16 years of age.
Suppose they were born here, but their parents and grandparents were not.
They may have originated from countries like India, Indonesia, Marocco, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, China.
The girls adapt to Western 'culture' whatever that may be.
They/She goes out (tries to at least) and ends up losing her virginity...
So what, we 'westerners' think (at least those who lived to see the 60s)
BIG deal, her parents (instead) think,
'cause she'll never get married the state she's in NOW.
So they kill the girl, i.e. honor killing.
It is as simple as that and it happens, wherever, once a week in the Netherlands (check your home country's statistics for a closer-by statement).
Thus there are 1000's of examples of this behaviour.
This is only the first example.
Do you still think cultures can mix freely?
Second example:
Boys from age 8-14 years roam the streets of Gouda (middle-sized city in the Netherlands)
They interfere in a weekend party,
organised by people of different cultures (whichever over there).
They (the boys in question) destroy the children's playground,
specifically set up by the multicultural group of people living there for the sake of the party.
In short, they destroy the multicultural party.
They do NOT opt to take part in the festivities.
(forgot to mention: THEIR parents did not take part in these festivities)
The group continues, unhampered by parental guidance:
They harass people.
They haress shop owners.
They curse.
They are absentees in their schools.
They never finish their school(s).
They choose to be outside 'our' society', specifically our culture.
They grow from bad to worse untill they reach the 'mature' age of 14 years.
They then get abandoned by their inner circle, their homies.
They have to decide what to do with their life from that moment onward.
Can they?
What 'culture' did they enjoy?
Will they ever have one (except the one they experienced with their grandparents 1000's of miles away?
They will surely NOT embrace 'our' way.
They will surely refrain from intercultural 'mixing' experiences, at least the boys will.
In short: they are judged outcasts by us, and remain fervently inclined to follow their forefather's rules (of course this is nonsense, they follow no rule whatsoever, they follow their own rule of the jungle, but they will always refrain from accepting 'the other man's rule/custom/culture', let alone the western view).
I have often wondered why -I may hope- educated people believe that a multicultural society has reason/a chance to exist.
I believe the opposite.
Mind you. No problems in certain cases.
Everybody knows culturally 'equal' people tend to group together (why otherwise would there be Chinatowns, Little Italys, The Irish neighboorhood, the Jewish Quarter, The Amish, Turkisk suburbs, etcetera.
But these are people with understanding.
They KNOW they are different from other groups and want to maintain their own 'thing'.
They KNOW they cannot function without their own.
They KNOW they would break down themselves, their families, their culture, IF THEY WOULD DO AS THE 'OTHERS' DO.
So they don't!
AND they take care of their own.
They educate their own in their traditions, their culture
They keep close contact with their offspring, as I said, they educated them.
Not that I condone what they do.
But I respect their differences towards US.
But then there are those that cannot cope.
They were brought here to marry their cousin
and they did.
They do not speak the lingo we're used to.
(neither are the chinese but they have papers/schools/community centers of their own.
No subsidies needed).
They cannot follow their kids's experiences.
In the streets.
In their schools.
In their jobs.
They are lost forever.
And so is their culture.
Which is my point.
Do NOT try to re-culturalise these people.
Just teach them the lingo.
And make sure they speak it.
If that came true, I'd be very happy indeed.
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