I've done it. I've committed myself to my lifelong (minus the last three years) handicap.
I claimed a domain for myself, for my illness, my handicap, my lifelong excuse.
In my view the best there is:
tells it all.
It tells about the migraine handicap/illness/suffering.
It tells about still-not-understanding-so-called-specialists/neurologists as they call themselves.
It does NOT want to be a tear-jerking, I-have-no-help-I-suffer-so-much-I-need-help service.
It does NOT want to be a what-medicine-is-better kind of website!
It DOES want to be a LEARNING experience kind of forum,
It Does want to provide light in utterly felt darknesses.
Personally speaking, I was diagnosed a migraine-patient at the age of 7.
I am nearly 62 now.
I have been free of migraine for the last 3 years.
Meaning (do your math) that I was a patient for 62 - 3 -7 = 52 years
That means: I COUNT as an experienced speaker.
I think I deserve the right to have an opinion on this matter.
You do NOT think so?
Zap to another channel, there is SO much you can enjoy...
(Al-Jazeera, The comedy Channel, Fox News, fill-in-YOUR- (meaning the zapping people) -own-shitty-channel).
My primary example is Riva Greenberg. See:
(she told me year on year to copy her 'thing'. Today I finally did, maybe too late, sorry 4 that)
That tells it all. She is a diabetes-expert from her college years (and she's not a blonde 30 year old Hollywood Superstar), (instead she's a gorgeous 50+ year-old brunette-like person my ex-collegue fell in love with -and rightfully so- just 5 minutes before I met her. Would have been a Clash of Titans to conquer her -he won-, -and I met my own gorgeous wife- so you know) who has experienced her 'disorder' from that day onward. She finally (after completing a career as an illustrator/slash/super-amiable and intelligent person) took it upon herself to come out of the closet and showed herself as a proud, sane, well-behaving diabetes patient. NOT to brag about her own consciousness against the ever so expensive US health care system. Not to complain all the time to family, collegues, the baker, the butcher, the candle stick maker.
But simply stating: THIS IS ME. Please follow me, and if you don't know how, I'll come and tell you how.
That is what I want with I-MIGRAINE.COM.
Costs me $ 32.95 for two years, 0r € 24.15
What do I lose? 4 Bloody Marys! So?
AB-SO-LU-TE-LY NO-THING (remember James Brown).
I do not promise much.
I'll design a website. At my own expense.
Don't expext the world-record of newly designed cyberthings.
It simply is NOT me. And I am NOT hiring Acne-ridden youngsters that know more than me to do it for me. NO, I say, The world Is full of enterprise-liked experts, But they don't know how to Shine. They only have a college degree.... SO?
I do promise:
- A detailed analysis of my own migraine history (takes some words, I'm sorry).
- A rigorous statement about treatments. You'll be surprised howmany there are.
- A sturdy statement against the medical profession (Quick summary: they don't know shit).
- 'MY' way of living (do NOT copy it, I will not be held responsable for your choices).
- My 'ups & downs', broadly speaking.
- My surroundings/friends/collegues versus my 'migraine problem'.
- My sex life with migraine (you surely want to know about THAT, won't you?).
- My social non-life with migraine (if you're not a patient, don't bother).
- My money-earning working life experience with migraine (after 35 years holding on to a job I liked, I say: impossible)
- My Migraine Coming-of-Age. At about the age of 40....
- My sporting career, hampered by Migraine, starting with soccer at the age of 7.
- Me trying to write a dissertation 'under the influence', NOT like Lindsey Lohan, but WITHOUT drugs, relying on my OWN handicap to make life even more miserable.
- That is not to say I refused drugs. I experienced all I knew 'in my time':
- I mean all: weed, LSD, Speed, opium-related stuff, and that is it. I never experienced the benefits of XTC and other party drugs, sorry for the inconvenience.
- I cried a lot. Sure. Won't you, when your date finds another, while you are busy banging your head against the wall?
- A 2-hour-party I could endure in my 'party years'. A full night was absolutely a no-go area, so I lost the date of the day. If not, my father would have rejected her anyway, because she surely was not a blonde from Scandinavia.
- I seem to have hereditary-inherited-migraine. My father (do NOT bless his soul), 5 of my uncles and aunts (out of 10), several of my near-cousins and a lot more in the geneological time-tree I have constructed out of historical data, suffered the same. I really am sorry NOT to have known them in their time. My advice would have been better then they could EVER get from their doctors (if any). AMEN.
- I drink (too much), I smoke (the same, I suppose). 1 out of 4 people do the same. DO THEY SUFFER FROM MIGRAINE? No they don't. So, stop giving me the advice to stop doing what I do.
- I like people (with a heart, with SOME understanding of LIFE, CULTURE and an idea to LIVE their life). I help (i am NOT BILL or WARREN, but I help). Help is not needed anymore. I'm sorry about that but it seems to be true. I still help. I'm a help-kind-of-person-as-long-as-I-can-understand-the-question. I'm brainwashed as a financial-person. Awful, ain't it. I can cope, so you can still ask, won't you!?!?
- I think I've (positively) crossed the boundary of being a criminal of debility (US citizens: translate into you own lingo).
- I will try my best to get this domain name/show on the road.
Sure you can....
I will try my best to get this domain name/show, on the road.
And I DO NEED your answers/stories. Maybe we'll be at the ... o Clock News, or at the ..... .... show (I think our billionaire by the name of Oprah, will not be presenting, BUT there's always another Schmuck that replaces her, so there is hope...
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