maandag 29 november 2010

The Truth Is Out There...

... and it is called WikiLeaks...

Every conspiracy-prone 'journalist'/'scientist', from Alex Jones to David Icke and back, every 'analysis' of 'secret' organisations like the Illuminati, the Masons, the CIA, or otherwise, has struggled in vain for the last 2000 years to get the attention of the greater public. To warn them, to undisclose 'secrets', to rebel against official politics, to search for 'illegal' activities by ehhh, okay, by governments all over the world, has NOT succeeded in what WikiLeaks has produced in such a short time as official (!!!) evidence of actual truths, laid down in memo's, database lists, inventories, official statements by really existing diplomats and so forth. For everybody to see and check.

WikiLeaks most-known 'official', Julian Assange, is on the run, while he continuously gets his act together and publishes official US documents on a maze of internet servers. Next week: new leaks! and he delivers.

Hurray for him.

Why is it that a pretty normal characteristics of Berlusconi, 'Weak, conceited and ineffective as an European leader', or Angela Merkel: 'Risk averting and seldomly creative', are seen as a 'threat to diplomacy', where every sane body knows these statements to be no more than the truth? We know for a fact that we are governed by sub-standard leaders (if not sub-standard, why ever did they enter politics?) so what is new about these 'leaks'?


But for those of you who thought idealism, political idealism, trust in leaders, our-party-really-is-working-for-the-people, I never doubt my candidate's integrity, freedom of speach, working for the 'greater good', these developments must even convince Y_O_U!

Whenever politics is redefined and maintained as altruism and nothing more than that (given the politician's acceptancey IQ-level of 120), I will try to believe these Y_O_U people, not before. In the meantime I enjoy WikiLeaks, conspiracy theories, the existence of a new WORLD order, The magnificent sories about the US, in preparation of the Patriot Act, creating 911, and millions of that sort of stories, which (IMHO) are mostly partly true.

Would be nice, to have access -thru WikiLeaks preferably- of the 2001 '911'-Gate with George double-U as its Master in Command, the Kennedy MurderGate (we have to wait till 2013 to get this info...), the Destroy-CubaGate (following in full US agression history), The -internationally combined- IraQGate (where 'weopons of Mass destruction' was the leading Theme, the OsamaGate (where OBL was first financed and later 'hunted' downby theUS, although not too fervently in order to stay friends with Sunnite Saudi Arabia)), BernhardGate in the NL (where Bernhard zur Lippe Biesterfeld had a few other crimes on his sleeve except for having received a million or so from Lockheed),

as it was nice to be extensively informed of the Watergate NixonPaper-and-audio-Gate info.

Google is your friend and Governments are STILL too late to understand its potential.

CU next time

woensdag 24 november 2010

Behind closed doors (EVERY CLOSED DOOR)


This blog is about incompetence. Incompetence by parents to be exact. Not ever has there been a time in time where parents acted so stupid as during the last 2 decades. I explain:
  • I declare war against PARENTS! (a very reasonable statement I admit).
  • I object to 100% happiness education (by parents) for their kids.
  • I object to education which is family (or HOUSE)-internal, disregarding the existence of society. The child is OWNED and BOUND/IMPRISONED by its parents.
  • I refuse to believe that a 'happy' child, will turn out to be a 'normal', sort-of happy, assertive, humanly acceptable, socially responsible, well-EDUCATED person.
  • There is international evidence for the former statement: Students in the NL, during their formal (school) education) are mainly dis-interested, unmotivated, purely self-concious, ANTI-SOCIAL individuals (as I said, there is evidence by others, corroberating these statements. Google = your friend, although I admit: NOT for the purpetrators, the PARENTS/CRIMINALS against humanity that have alienated themselves AND their children from society). In short: parents are often (more YES than NO) criminals against the rights of children.
  • Parents, in general, are incompetent. Look around, and you'll see the most ample of ample evidence(S?). Do they search for training BEING a parent? NO! Did they pass a parent certification program? NO! The next statements regard parents:
  • (because they don't) Who educates their children in choosing computer games?
  • (because they don't) Who looks into their child's internet 'behaviour'?
  • (because they don't) Who trains their children against pestering/bullying by other children? OR, for that matter, how come children turn into bullies????
  • (because they don't) Who 'protects' their children from 'harm'... I explain: If your child gets hurt (whenever/wherever), what do they do? If they choose to protect their child by removing the 'harmful' out of its life, they are UNFIT as a parent. Clear? Unclear? Read on..
  • Who invented the myriads of autism-related disorders? PARENTS! (with accessories to this crime being so-called experts. From the dawn of humanity untill the 60s of the last century, a child was 'busy', 'angry-all-the-time', and so forth. Apart from a few 'real' autism disorders, these children suffer from uneducated parents. 20 Years later they (the children) have been educated into an autism-related disorder. Yes, I MEAN it.
  • Who expects their child to be 'top of the bill' in terms of a professional career (be it soccer, tennis, a university education)? BAD parents! That's who! What is the result? Unhappy, always insecure, underperforming suckers (who will, after they left 'home', ever condemn their parents for doing what they did). GET THE MESSAGE?
  • Who REALLY listens to their child? I want to play (NO, IT IS TIME FOR YOUR BALLET CLASS), I want to play alone for a while (NO, YOU'RE HAVING A PARTY AND I HAVE INVITED A REAL MAGICIEN), and so forth.
  • Child: When does daddy come home? You know perfectly well that daddy has a 24/24 job and cannot always be with you. Child: when will you be home? You know perfectly well that mommy and daddy have our weekly 'night at the opera' (or anywhere else).... Ask Jenny (the sitter) if she can startup your laptop, so you can play ANGELS AND DEMONS (or some other cruel game). Sounds Familiar? Then you are a BAD PARENT.

Readers being parents MUST now have gotten the picture.
If not, then either you cannot read (get an education) or you are even more self-centered (get a therapist) than I can imagine. Beware: I'm talking to the MAJORITY of parents.


(and get sterilised TOMORROW, PLEASE)

dinsdag 16 november 2010

Euro (misery, future, defeat, etc)

Today, Ireland counted its defeats and knew it has lost. Yes, we gained independance 88 years ago. Yes, we hate the Brits for not allowing us independancy centuries earlier. We emigrated -from 1894-onwards to the US (and anywhere else) cause we were hungry at that time (famine). Yes, we were the European Tiger a decade ago. Yes, we attracted a whole bunch of foreign investors (Apple Inc. included), and yes, we pleased them by our desire to succeed.

But now it is 2010 and we have a 30% budget deficit. Financial markets do NOT like that and require higher interest rates for Irish-Euro loans, like they did and do with Greek-Euro loans, and will do for Portugese, Spanish, Italian and French loans in the near future.

I'll tell you something. During the period 1997-2005 I gave a course in (mainly European) Banking. I presented my case regarding the Euro. The Euro was introduced fraudulently. It was a shambles. More than half the participating countries did NOT succeed in passing their entry exams. Only a few countries did! A few is not enough, the THEN powers to be decided. So the mediocre and the losers-in-progress participated. Look at the following picture:


95 96 97

LT Interest

95 96 97

Gov. Deficit

95 96 97

Gov. Debt

95 96 97



2.5 2.5 2.8

3.4 2.4 3.0

8.3 7.3 7.3

8.3 7.8 8.0

-2.7 -2.7 -1.0

-5.7 -4.7 -3.3

86 83 80

54 57 59




1.0 0.8 1.5

2.9 0.8 1.5

2.1 2.1 2.5

8.8 7.1 6.5

10.2 8.2 7.0

8.3 7.2 6.8

-5.6 -2.3 -1.2

-7.9 -4.0 -2.5

-1.8 -1.4 -0.3

60 61 59

80 81 79

72 72 71




2.0 2.1 2.5

1.5 2.1 2.0

2.2 1.9 2.0

6.9 6.2 6.0

7.5 6.6 6.2

7.6 7.0 6.5

-4.0 -2.1 -2.3

-4.3 -3.4 -3.0

0.4 0.6 0.7

80 79 75

134 131 128

6 6 6




1.8 1.4 1.5

2.2 1.8 2.5

1.7 2.0 1.5

6.8 6.3 6.0

7.1 6.4 6.0

7.5 6.4 6.0

-3.7 -3.9 -3.0

-6.2 -3.7 -3.0

-5.3 -4.3 -4.1

58 60 60

69 72 72

52 55 57



9.3 8.6 7.0

5.4 3.8 2.8

17.3 17.0 17.0

12.2 9.4 7.8

-9.3 -8.0 -7.3

-7.0 -7.3 -4.0

112 109 107

125 125 123



4.7 3.6 3.0

4.1 3.1 3.2

11.3 8.7 7.0

11.5 8.5 6.8

-6.6 -4.4 -3.3

-4.9 -3.8 -3.1

66 69 71

71 72 69


2.9 2.5 3.0

10.6 9.2 8.6

-3.0 -3.0 -3.0

60 60 60

OK, not TOO clear, I know, and I do NOT have the time to make the table better I might turn it into a picture or something. I rely on the reader's interest to be able to read through the mess.

They show, in short, the countries that in the year 2000, were supposedly allowed to enter the EURO-zone. The red ones were supposed NOT to enter, the green ones were. Believe me, it's true, although the table is mediocre quality, I said I do NOT have the time to repair it. PM me to get the true table. or the truth, as you like.

What do we learn: Ireland is allowed (because their government debt was declining, but super-high at the same time), all other countries were allowed entry, including the countries we NOW KNOW are losers: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy etcetera. Do your own math. Suppose they would NOT have been permitted entry. Then what? Then they still would have kept their Escudos, Pesetas, Drachmes etcetera, and they would have been drowned in debt and be bankrupt. In reality they WERE allowed entry into the euro -zone and THUS the rest of the euro-nations paid up....out of solidarity?, out of pity?, out of politics?

Suppose they were NOT allowed entry. Would they have continued their policies? I do not think so. I think they would have tried to enter the winner's zone, to join the 'elected' ones, the super-heros. But instead, as losers, they were permitted entry and continued their loser's paths BECAUSE THEY WERE ALLOWED TO BE LOSER MEMBERS!!!!!. They joined the Euro-rollercoaster and continued to do their ever so much known bad things.
And the Euro-rest pays.
It's like permitting Haiti/Curacao etcetera to enter the Euro-zone.
(Not that I dishonour Haitians, they just had a set of bad lucks)

The origin of the pre-Euro situation was the origin of the final blow/the recognition of future failure/the end of the era of 'differing' but valued currencies.

In came the era of the euro. A completely lunatic idea of politicians (I was -at the time- NOT aware of the fact that politicians decided over marketable securities, like currencies). A few monetary nitwits in Europe (remember one of their names: CASPER DE VRIES, a super-duper SOB that cannot even appear on TV without disclosing his ignorance of matters that matter) were b(r)ought to tell their positivist-like story on the 'Good' (not the BAD and the UGLY) of the Euro and their millennium dreams when we were supposed to be 'blessed' with its existance.

As a coin collector I must say: this was the worst artist's idea possible, to devise a set of coins (remember the Cock-like structure of Scandinavia-Finland on these coins. Do you think any DUKE/King or otherwise historic ruler would have permitted this stupidity? Oh, you did not see that wonder of reject craftmanship? Google is your friend type in COCK EURO and you'll find the answer).

In 2010 we experienced ten years (10 years, incredible as it may seem) of the Euro. Longer than I expected, but at least, the end is near. You do not believe? Again, Google is your friend, not a doctor, like me, but a friend anyway.

Sometimes, non-doctors from established universities (name me a few, cause I do NOT know them) are right, without super-important-well-established-A-journal-like-publications (sorry Martijn, natuurlijk is jouw super-entry uitgezonderd) are righter than right (is this 'allowed' English?).

BTW, I would and I could give a seven-hour lecture RIGHT NOW (1.00 AM),
on the Gold Standard, The market efficiency idea, mathematical Finance, Chinese currency, US currency for that matter, the system of payments to so-called 'Finance-wizards', the position of Finance 'advisors' in the NL, the outdated idea of tax-exempt interest payments when owning (?) a , or more house(s), Bleed your heart, tell me whatabout I'm gonna talk to the 4th year brats and man-brats with their Vuitton-menagery of 'things' they 'own' (cause their parents endowed them with them).

Come on!!

Our populist leader (Geert) lost his fans today (yesterday actually) by stressing the NON-popular vote. As he is dependant on these votes I foresee a drop-down of at least 4 PARLIAMENT SEATS IN THE NEXT VOTES ENQUIRY.

So far for the new 'Great dictator', as if Chaplin did not predict this in his movie.

So far for the nice-and-entertaining extras. We return to the ever-so-boring reality:

We already lost and paid for Greece, thereby allowing them (continued) entry.
We will soon pay for Ireland, Spain, Italy, France and Portugal (the same goes).
And we have committed 800 billion euros to do the trick...

I say NO.
I say: expell the losers. We should never have let them in anyway.
I say: you're aware or you're away (only two letters difference)
I say: Why am I NOT Trichet?
I say: kill monetarists (I mentioned one earlier in BIG letters), preferably slowly.
I say: INFRASTRUCTURE, meaning that each country must de-privatise private payments
I say: (and thus repeat myself): nationalise savings and payments organisations/banks
I say: the EURO is not for losers. Thus: expell the losers, again I repeat myself.
I say: financial markets are defined in terms of risk. Advertise THAT.
I say: ordinary citizens MUST be aware of risks
I say: financial products crossing the no-risk line MUST inform customers to be aware of that.
I say: they (the customers) MUST change banks to go from no-risk to risk!!!
I say: banks are infrastructure, the rest is capitalism for the shareholder(s)
I say: investors are investors, thus taking risks,. otherwise they do not exist
I say: a bank account MUST NEVER be an investor's account. I mean it!!!
I say: see the next bullet chain:

  • Everybody not performing average or better knew joining the Euro-zone, while actually being last-in-class, was a gamble (I mean every sane-of-mind well-thinking individual with more than a pea's brain!, let alone people that were paid to have a mind of their own)
  • Risk is not for ordinary, middle or lower class people. Do NOT tempt them they ARE!
  • Banks are payments and savings, any 7th grade can do what they do
  • Banks that are more than the above, deserve suckers and well-to-do suckers
  • Banks are like accountants of the 50s. Not the ones that know nothing about Finance, but pretend that they do: the NOWADAYS accountants.
  • We DO NOT NEED (nowadays) accountants, nor nowadays banking including unmeasurable risks included in their securitisation business.
  • Securitisation: reselling mortgage assets for a price, dependable on the asset's riskyness. OK, true, but risk that is mostly unaccounted for by numerous banks. I told my students so, YEAR AFTER YEAR. I told them that asset insurance would only stretch as far as the insurer's capital. We saw the results. The insurer bankrupted, thus the banks did. In Europe governments saved the banks (UK excluded). In the US nobody got saved, and Lehmann died (as 100'ds of other smaller banks did).
  • Securitisation (as well as naked short selling) should be forbidden, untill reasonable coverage of potential losses is proven. Will never happen.
  • Why am I not in the Basle committe? You guess: I know too much. Smells like CIA...
  • Problem: How to get influence , when you're too nosy a busibody-kind of person, aware of consequences and not too keen on maximising shareholder's wealth? Answer: Never!!!
  • I rest my case!
I wish you happy dreams, a bonus in your pension(s), a government that does what you like, a financial advisor that tells you: Congratulations, a friend that invites you for dinner, a collegue who tells you he/she enjoyed your company, a parent/family member that says hi, a neighbour who says ditto, a wife/husband who says: thnx for a lovely evening, let's f@#$, a message from your bank that says: your balance is the same as last month....


vrijdag 12 november 2010


I've done it. I've committed myself to my lifelong (minus the last three years) handicap.

I claimed a domain for myself, for my illness, my handicap, my lifelong excuse.

In my view the best there is:

tells it all.

It tells about the migraine handicap/illness/suffering.
It tells about still-not-understanding-so-called-specialists/neurologists as they call themselves.
It does NOT want to be a tear-jerking, I-have-no-help-I-suffer-so-much-I-need-help service.
It does NOT want to be a what-medicine-is-better kind of website!
It DOES want to be a LEARNING experience kind of forum,
It Does want to provide light in utterly felt darknesses.

Personally speaking, I was diagnosed a migraine-patient at the age of 7.
I am nearly 62 now.
I have been free of migraine for the last 3 years.
Meaning (do your math) that I was a patient for 62 - 3 -7 = 52 years
That means: I COUNT as an experienced speaker.

I think I deserve the right to have an opinion on this matter.
You do NOT think so?
Zap to another channel, there is SO much you can enjoy...
(Al-Jazeera, The comedy Channel, Fox News, fill-in-YOUR- (meaning the zapping people) -own-shitty-channel).

My primary example is Riva Greenberg. See:

(she told me year on year to copy her 'thing'. Today I finally did, maybe too late, sorry 4 that)

That tells it all. She is a diabetes-expert from her college years (and she's not a blonde 30 year old Hollywood Superstar), (instead she's a gorgeous 50+ year-old brunette-like person my ex-collegue fell in love with -and rightfully so- just 5 minutes before I met her. Would have been a Clash of Titans to conquer her -he won-, -and I met my own gorgeous wife- so you know) who has experienced her 'disorder' from that day onward. She finally (after completing a career as an illustrator/slash/super-amiable and intelligent person) took it upon herself to come out of the closet and showed herself as a proud, sane, well-behaving diabetes patient. NOT to brag about her own consciousness against the ever so expensive US health care system. Not to complain all the time to family, collegues, the baker, the butcher, the candle stick maker.

But simply stating: THIS IS ME. Please follow me, and if you don't know how, I'll come and tell you how.

That is what I want with I-MIGRAINE.COM.

Costs me $ 32.95 for two years, 0r € 24.15
What do I lose? 4 Bloody Marys! So?
AB-SO-LU-TE-LY NO-THING (remember James Brown).

I do not promise much.
I'll design a website. At my own expense.
Don't expext the world-record of newly designed cyberthings.
It simply is NOT me. And I am NOT hiring Acne-ridden youngsters that know more than me to do it for me. NO, I say, The world Is full of enterprise-liked experts, But they don't know how to Shine. They only have a college degree.... SO?

I do promise:
  1. A detailed analysis of my own migraine history (takes some words, I'm sorry).
  2. A rigorous statement about treatments. You'll be surprised howmany there are.
  3. A sturdy statement against the medical profession (Quick summary: they don't know shit).
  4. 'MY' way of living (do NOT copy it, I will not be held responsable for your choices).
  5. My 'ups & downs', broadly speaking.
  6. My surroundings/friends/collegues versus my 'migraine problem'.
  7. My sex life with migraine (you surely want to know about THAT, won't you?).
  8. My social non-life with migraine (if you're not a patient, don't bother).
  9. My money-earning working life experience with migraine (after 35 years holding on to a job I liked, I say: impossible)
  10. My Migraine Coming-of-Age. At about the age of 40....
  11. My sporting career, hampered by Migraine, starting with soccer at the age of 7.
  12. Me trying to write a dissertation 'under the influence', NOT like Lindsey Lohan, but WITHOUT drugs, relying on my OWN handicap to make life even more miserable.
  13. That is not to say I refused drugs. I experienced all I knew 'in my time':
  14. I mean all: weed, LSD, Speed, opium-related stuff, and that is it. I never experienced the benefits of XTC and other party drugs, sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. I cried a lot. Sure. Won't you, when your date finds another, while you are busy banging your head against the wall?
  16. A 2-hour-party I could endure in my 'party years'. A full night was absolutely a no-go area, so I lost the date of the day. If not, my father would have rejected her anyway, because she surely was not a blonde from Scandinavia.
  17. I seem to have hereditary-inherited-migraine. My father (do NOT bless his soul), 5 of my uncles and aunts (out of 10), several of my near-cousins and a lot more in the geneological time-tree I have constructed out of historical data, suffered the same. I really am sorry NOT to have known them in their time. My advice would have been better then they could EVER get from their doctors (if any). AMEN.
  18. I drink (too much), I smoke (the same, I suppose). 1 out of 4 people do the same. DO THEY SUFFER FROM MIGRAINE? No they don't. So, stop giving me the advice to stop doing what I do.
  19. I like people (with a heart, with SOME understanding of LIFE, CULTURE and an idea to LIVE their life). I help (i am NOT BILL or WARREN, but I help). Help is not needed anymore. I'm sorry about that but it seems to be true. I still help. I'm a help-kind-of-person-as-long-as-I-can-understand-the-question. I'm brainwashed as a financial-person. Awful, ain't it. I can cope, so you can still ask, won't you!?!?
  20. I think I've (positively) crossed the boundary of being a criminal of debility (US citizens: translate into you own lingo).
  21. I will try my best to get this domain name/show on the road.
Sure you can....

I will try my best to get this domain name/show, on the road.

And I DO NEED your answers/stories. Maybe we'll be at the ... o Clock News, or at the ..... .... show (I think our billionaire by the name of Oprah, will not be presenting, BUT there's always another Schmuck that replaces her, so there is hope...


woensdag 10 november 2010

A normal day?

Today too much news had to be evaluated. Yes, by me, who is writing here?
Ton Elias, a Dutch member of the Tea Party Party in the Netherlands proposed a plan to lay off 10-35% (a bit of a large difference between one and the other: 1 out of ten versus 1 out of 3..) of Dutch teachers who -in his perception- qualify as sub-standard. In short, he wants to fire them.
Very good. Let's do it.
Then tomorrow 1 out of 10, or even one out of 3 children do NOT receive any education, Good, bad, sub-standard or otherwise. What is Elias's response? "we've got to pay the good ones more and the bad ones nothing".

Wise man....?
Course not, he is as stupid as his party: no brains, only brainy.

What do I care?

Well, you know, I was laid off (which is a sign that Elias's statements are unfounded. In my demise as a teacher 1 out of 3 of ALL teachers/professors were laid off. Not because they weren't any good, but because their paycheck per month/year was too high) so I know what I'm talking about. My wife got her first visit in her classroom this year by her management. They were delighted (of course), but the visit took only 25 minutes... This is 25 minutes in a career stretching 25+ years... Where was Elias the last 25 (and more) years?

I ended up 'co-' 2nd in the 'teacher/professor of the year' competition during the year I was laid off. Surely a perfect reason to get fired.

Another newshit (is it news-hit or new-shit?) of the day had to do with a person in our Parliament, acting spokesman for Lifestyle and Living (in a -family- home). This person, if I am well-informed, being an elected person in our most Tea-like super-right-wing party, is now accused of being a pain in the ass by people in his former neighbourhood. Stalking, threatening, acting out behavior trusting his ex-military-man education (?), swearing against people he did not like, very muscly, many tattooed pictures kind of a man that he showed himself to be.

What, my dear Elias, kind of example is he for the performance of the country's most eligable position: a member of Parliament, that is supposed to give THE good example?
Or for the military he once served in?

Is there a rule in State Law that expells Parliament Members? Course not!
Why not?
Mister Elias: wipe clean your own mess before you threaten other professionals.

Third, although it happened a few days ago, is the guy who proposed that the world should re-embrace the GOLD STANDARD. Robert Zoellick is his name, president of the World Bank. As I understand it, he can no longer show himself in public, as he is regarded as the second most stupid man in the US ever (George W is of course holding on to his first place. No-one will EVER beat him).

From teaching to currency, what more is there to tell.
When, WHEN will I get a telephone call, an SMS, an email, a Tweet, whatever, wherein I am begged to rescue the country.

If only my blog would reach the right people....

dinsdag 9 november 2010


I've got something on my mind and it is called 'honor killing'.
I've something else on my mind and that is the topic of today: C U L T U R E.

It's a mean thing, culture, more mean when you mix one culture with another, or -even worse- mix one culture with a multitude of others.

My 2 bits: I do NOT believe in mixed culture societies. Never have, never will.
Sounds pretty right wing, right?
And maybe it is.
You cannot be leftwing all of the time,
while being rightwing some of the time?
Is that it?
I think so.
So be it.

Focus on the position of non-western culturally educated girls between 12 and 16 years of age.
Suppose they were born here, but their parents and grandparents were not.
They may have originated from countries like India, Indonesia, Marocco, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, China.

The girls adapt to Western 'culture' whatever that may be.
They/She goes out (tries to at least) and ends up losing her virginity...
So what, we 'westerners' think (at least those who lived to see the 60s)
BIG deal, her parents (instead) think,
'cause she'll never get married the state she's in NOW.

So they kill the girl, i.e. honor killing.

It is as simple as that and it happens, wherever, once a week in the Netherlands (check your home country's statistics for a closer-by statement).

Thus there are 1000's of examples of this behaviour.

This is only the first example.
Do you still think cultures can mix freely?

Second example:
Boys from age 8-14 years roam the streets of Gouda (middle-sized city in the Netherlands)
They interfere in a weekend party,
organised by people of different cultures (whichever over there).
They (the boys in question) destroy the children's playground,
specifically set up by the multicultural group of people living there for the sake of the party.

In short, they destroy the multicultural party.
They do NOT opt to take part in the festivities.
(forgot to mention: THEIR parents did not take part in these festivities)

The group continues, unhampered by parental guidance:
They harass people.
They haress shop owners.
They curse.
They are absentees in their schools.
They never finish their school(s).
They choose to be outside 'our' society', specifically our culture.
They grow from bad to worse untill they reach the 'mature' age of 14 years.
They then get abandoned by their inner circle, their homies.
They have to decide what to do with their life from that moment onward.

Can they?

What 'culture' did they enjoy?
Will they ever have one (except the one they experienced with their grandparents 1000's of miles away?

They will surely NOT embrace 'our' way.
They will surely refrain from intercultural 'mixing' experiences, at least the boys will.

In short: they are judged outcasts by us, and remain fervently inclined to follow their forefather's rules (of course this is nonsense, they follow no rule whatsoever, they follow their own rule of the jungle, but they will always refrain from accepting 'the other man's rule/custom/culture', let alone the western view).

I have often wondered why -I may hope- educated people believe that a multicultural society has reason/a chance to exist.
I believe the opposite.

Mind you. No problems in certain cases.
Everybody knows culturally 'equal' people tend to group together (why otherwise would there be Chinatowns, Little Italys, The Irish neighboorhood, the Jewish Quarter, The Amish, Turkisk suburbs, etcetera.

But these are people with understanding.
They KNOW they are different from other groups and want to maintain their own 'thing'.
They KNOW they cannot function without their own.
They KNOW they would break down themselves, their families, their culture, IF THEY WOULD DO AS THE 'OTHERS' DO.

So they don't!

AND they take care of their own.
They educate their own in their traditions, their culture
They keep close contact with their offspring, as I said, they educated them.

Not that I condone what they do.
But I respect their differences towards US.

But then there are those that cannot cope.
They were brought here to marry their cousin
and they did.
They do not speak the lingo we're used to.
(neither are the chinese but they have papers/schools/community centers of their own.
No subsidies needed).

They cannot follow their kids's experiences.
In the streets.
In their schools.
In their jobs.

They are lost forever.

And so is their culture.
Which is my point.

Do NOT try to re-culturalise these people.
Just teach them the lingo.
And make sure they speak it.

If that came true, I'd be very happy indeed.

vrijdag 5 november 2010

The 70s

Saw a movie today: the 70s. Simple and brutal.
It was awfully correct and reminded me of my own 70s.
I should puke right now, if only I could.

I tell my story:

The 40s
My life started just within the 40s limit: 1949.
The 40s, man, my father told me so much about it. How he shot rabbits during the war.
How -for fun, not patriotism- he robbed food-stamp bureaus, for the needy, the -declared- outlaws, the concealed, the jews.

During my conscious years he seemed to have the oppressor's opinions. 'Boy, do NOT bring a Jew girl home' -nor a brown girl, nor a chinese girl, I add, to complete the picture-
nevertheless he served time in Germany as 'Arbeitseinsetz', threw butter, potatoes and sugar over the concentration camps fences, which later were reported to have fallen off the truck he drove... He escaped after February 1945, having experienced the destruction of Dresden
as a prisoner. No 'Ausweis', no passport he made it back to Groningen (NL). Had to cross the IJssel near Zwolle swimming, cause the bridges were gone

Those were my 40s memories imprinted in my mind by my father's stories.

The 50s
The 50s were simple. I grew up singing psalms. Went to elementary school as a left-hander. Left that school a reformed student, i.e. a right-hander (especially where writing is concerned but still play tennis, eat, use scissors, cook a left-hander). I grew up Maarten 't Hart-style. Very ReformedChurch-like. Was thought the bible was 100% true (just like muslims nowadays see their holy book). So I asked the minister that educated me in true religion: 'Did Adam have a belly button?'. Answer of course should have been 'of course not, he was not born from a woman, he was created'. Instead of that answer I was told to leave, wash my mouth with soap and return after I showed remorse. I never did. For the rest of the 50s I loved my teacher(ess). Had a girl friend from 2nd till 4th grade, was sent to a food concentration camp (for 6 weeks only, no comparison to the 'real' thing), missed grammar lessons which were given at my school during that period giving me a life-long uneasiness with grammar in all languages except english, was set free having gained 200 grams in body weight, was taught that you were NEVER hungry, you only were ready to eat, learned what it is like to have friends, learned that I did not need so much time to do my homework/learn things, was secretely in love with Marjan van Meeuwen, whatever happened to her. In short I was pretty innocent.

The 60s
The 60s started with me entering the secondary school of my choice which was a fight in itself. 'They' wanted me to attend what was called 'technische school' at the time. When I got my doctorate a few decades after, my mother commemorated this moment in time (1989) by stating that if my teachers would have had their choice I might have celebrated my 25th anniversary as a carpenter. I chose another route, was robbed of my inner circle during puberty, moved to another city, where I finally entered another world. The world of self-conscious people who escaped the stuffy 50s' educutional rules (obey -as a slave- the ones above you, honour your parents, do not swear, always remember the -low- position you come from, never be more proud than your position grants you, always try hard, but do not expect to rise above yourself -whatever that was supposed to be-). In a secondary school student survey a teacher asked what dancing meant to me. I answered -unhampered by tradition-: to feel free, to have a nice time, to enjoy, where the proper answer at the time of course still was: to behave, to please your (female) partner, to get appreciated by others, especially your peers, etcetera.

I recorded every sound Bob Dylan uttered (still do, although sound really does not merit the performances offered), I danced, specifically alone and if 'possible' with girls, preferably on Led Zeppelin sounds. I read a lot of the 60s people's favourites. In short I entered left-wing thought. Zola, Marx, Chomsky in his early years and more, so I had 4 gods already (including Dylan), which is 3 more than the one I left at the end of the 50s. I was surely winning!

I received my (HighSchool++) diploma (having received a '4' for economics -in americo-educational-lingo that is something like a 'D' or thereabouts- and opted for the one study that interested me: (Business) Economics. My 'Kennedy=DEAD'-moment in 1963 was during the -6 weeks- time I was hospitalised for having a truly serious brain concussion, after falling from a gymnastics apparatus). As a result I flunked 3rd grade in HighSchool++ and ended up in a class with an average age of 25 years where I only counted 16 years behind my name. Learned a lot that year. Guys in my class educated me in the 60s lifestyle: Fuck every weekend, male or female, go to a doctor if your Willie looks purple, think by yourself instead of by your teachers /educators /churches /political parties or otherwise.

I did just that for the rest of my life (till now, but I suppose forever, except the 'fucking').

Typical 60s things I copied: free relations, free opinions, free thinking, free music, free anything...

The 70s
Backdrop all over the place. Nixon President. Me studying and graduating (1975). Me travelling to the USA for the 1st time (for a loooong holiday). I remember august 8 1975 when Nixon announced his resignation following the Watergate scandal. We were on a San Fransisco beach at the time and everybody around enjoyed the message. In short there was a party. The 70s also meant gurus, therapy sessions of all kinds. From Primal Scream to Moon, they all proved phony and have engraved into me the idea that therapy is not for me. From Freud to Moon, from Christianity to Bhuddism, all of them knocked at my spiritual door. I denied them entrance, and still do. This was absolutely NON-70s, so I lost a lot of friends. And gained a few new ones, that I still know to be as such.

I started work or 'a career' if you wish. University professor if you'd like to know. Hesitated a few times, between business and university (I did NOT say SCIENCE!). The university wanted me (I thought) so I chose that. As a matter of fact the university needed slaves to teach the ever rising number of students, but I was unaware of that at the time. I only thought: Me is a QUARTER, NOT a DIME anymore. How untrue that proved to be...

In 1974 my mother was struck ill by cancer. Was operated on by 1974's best Halal-butcher around (with a not-so-sharp knife). Result: mutilation, pain, anger, distress, loss of sex life. There you go with 2 name 4th generation 'doctors'.

But, look at the bright side of life: everytime I wanted to leave the university, having been offered a well-paid job in banking and otherwise, my boss raised my salary and promoted me which increased my confidence, and my feelings towards 'science' (as I thought economics to be at the time although I always distrusted the generally accepted paradigm of equilibrium that ruled the economic scientific world).

I met the loves of my life during the 70s. The first one was chinese and was chased away by my father. The second one -I was told- was supposed to be a lesbian, but -after I had a deep-deep conversation with her we both agreed that we were meant for each other. We bought a house of our own (my second owned house) in Dordrecht (which was spelled Durdrenct in former times, meaning SOAKED -with water of course-). She made me forget my former love and we extended our relation till 1986, at which time she offered me her final verdict: she was a lesbian after all.

The 70s I really, REALLY remember is the 70s of therapies and sects (Moon and other kinds). Therapy was all around (as in the 70s movie I saw tonight). Everything was therapy, really everything. It took me a while to discover that therapy is the american equivalent of (european) continental friends. Yes, FRIENDS. Who needs therapy when you have friends. Looking backwards I cannot help thinking: why was I a 'minority' in thinking that therapy is the commercial definition of FRIENDS?

The 80s
The 80s were my bliss decade. Ultra-fine collegues, good friends (I also lost a few), refound old friends. But also lost my girl (friend), broke up after financial rows and re-patriating to my hometown Schiedam. Reinventing my life, writing my dissertation as a would-be modern monk with no religion (reason: my mother got seriously ill from cancer, after 'doctors' told her she was cured, but later promised her she would die within 6 months in 1989). I wrote the thing/ the book(let) in about 4 months (one is supposed to spend at least 4 years writing a dissertation) because I wanted her (my mother) to see me graduate finally. She did see it in 1989 and died in 1992, so the doctors were again proven wrong. I met my wife (am currently married to her for the last 17+ years). She definitely is not chinese, is blond, thus was approved by my father (this is the only thing I am sorry about concerning her).

With the last (between quotes/hooks) remark I find myself back in the 50s. Honour thy parents. Please them during all of your life. If I did not love my wife so much I would divorce her THIS MINUTE for this reason.

Greets (to be continued)