Only happy thoughts, I promised a friend, and a friend is your better half! So I'm entering Happy Country.
The rest of this message is to be regarded as the purest form of 'happy' I can imagine.
But the flesh as well as the mind is weak.
Let's ask ourselves: what is there to be happy about, to feel happy, to enjoy happiness, to give happiness, and in my case: to endure happiness?
You happy?
I am!
You deliver happiness?
I don't!
What's there to be happy about, in a country governed by (light and runny) brown-coloured politicians (DO forget racism and think first of PO-LI-TI-CAL colours, Please)
But at least I am happy.
I voted opposition (beware, in a few years they may come and get you/me...)
Opposition loses votes,
to the POPULAR vote.
The vote that means 90% of the votes, (90% is the non-informed, more-or-less stupid vote),
The non-thinking-anything-else-but food-and-games-vote,
The I-want-my-peace-and-fuck-the-rest vote,
The I-want-my-sitcoms-I-want-my-funny-videos-I-want-my-tragic-accidents-vote,
The I-have-my-vote-and-will-send-my-big-brother-if-you-do-not-submit-vote,
The Education-is-for-the-rich-we-are-construction-people-and-thus-strong-vote,
The We-have-pictures-on-our-body-which-count-votes.
Did you see the World Soccer Championship?
Did you see the latest trend?
It was pictures (commonly known as tattoos) on every player's fore-arms?
Did you see soccer games lately?
Did you recognise the pictures on fore-arms...
that soccer players use to impress their 'enemies', their co-combatants in the field,
which By-The-Way wear the same pctures on their arms?
So that these pictures do NOT make a difference...
except in the pityful mini-brains of soccer players themselves, that think only of their net worth next soccer season?
Well, then you know what I mean!
(the rest of this message is dutch-oriented, so foreigners may skip it)
Did you see Maxime (christinheavendemocrat) try to shed a tear last saturday?
He canNOT do this convincingly, even Michelle Pfeiffer does this better and she is BAD at it.
But he won the popular vote in his party...
2 out of 3 went for him...
1 out of 3 went against him...
In his party (21 seats in Parliament),
this means 14 votes for Maxime (I never ate there)
and 7 votes for the party's internal opposition.
This opposition vote is claimed by only 2 people (out of the mentioned and calculated 7):
Ad & Kathleen (read your papers)
So 5 out of seven are NOT represented in Maxime's party,
although the party congress vote defined the 7 votes...
against taking part in a minority government, 'tolerated' [there is no english word for 'gedogen'] by a non-democratically organised party/movement, that undermines constitutional values)...
To be sure, given current circumstances they will not succeed,
may be different after the next elections....
Mind you, I agree with undermining constitutional values whenever religion is the guiding factor. I am an atheist since the age of 12. I agree with [foolish, non-informed, in denial, conservative, fundamentalist] people that deny evolution, will not allow abortion, do not accept the ever-increasing need for euthanesia, believe in deities that 2000(+) year old people worshipped, who were not privy to the advances of science (the sun as centre of our solar system, earth's gravity, a round/ellipsoid earth, ET, sicknesses that can be cured if you only know how, non-sexual reproduction, understanding nature, OK, I admit, non-knowledge of cancer treatment, but at least helping HIV/AIDS patients to stay alive. How could they. It happened after they finished writing/inventing/phantasising their so-called holy books, be they Thora, New Testament, Qu-ran or Morman babblings).
What my (christian reformed church) upbringing (amongst other atrocities) taught me was: respect your fellow men, do not hate, do not go to war, do not lie, do not become estranged from your fellow men (women included), but do good deeds, worship your deity, and die peacefully in the hope you'll be rewarded with heaven (of course the last part of this sentence starting with ' but do good deeds....' is not my cup of tea [whether Lapsang or Earl Grey]).
I do not and will never believe in menmade phantasies, how well-designed they may be.
I will never see benign wisdom in Maxime's tears. I promise to die whenever I will vote for a christinheavendemocrat ideology.
I'll only see the fight for power in their eyes, not Maxime's artificial [Machiavellian] tears.
Does that mean that the 2 christinheavendemocrat Parliament members should/ought to/must succomb...
to party unity?
Is this democracy?
Historians (if ever they are allowed to live) in 2050 will analyse our time and conclude that after the first 4 decades of the millennium, of course, the whole of Judaism/Christianity/Islam (and other lesser deity associations) have died out, for the sake of the furthering of human existance.
And that is a good thing.
Let's prepare for the coming 50's....
Whoopi (not Goldberg),
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