The Qu-ran is the Muslim book of Faith
We all know this a s a fact.
But is it genuine, is it the religion with the most potential?
Course not.
I (re-)started reading the Qu-ran a few days ago and intend to finish reading it from cover to cover. I use the Dutch translation by (RIP Prof) Dr J.H Kramer (3rd edition).
My first impression after reading the first 20 suras (chapters)
- The book is a mess. It is ordered (chapter-wise) from longest to shortest chapter, thereby completely ignoring chronology.
- The chapters show a huge number of repetitions. Items such as the unbelievers, Satan, eating laws, Thora copies, attacking unbelieving Arabs, Jews and Christians, parabels, are frequently repeated in Sura texts. Without these repetitions the Qu-rasn would be 1/3 of its current size.
- The book has 1 (or 2) outstanding features. First it is written for every man and woman on earth, beit that Arabs are the main 'target'. This is contrary to Jewish belief that only speaks, is relevant for, Jewish people. Two, the book is downloaded from Allah itself, written down by Mohammed, a mortal, and his followers, mainly from oral sources, meaning: imperfect or unjust repetions from memory.
- The book 'accepts' the Thora and the evangely (which one remains unknown), but only as far as Mohammed wanted it.
- The book accepts creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Aaron and other profets. It accepts Jesus, it accepts that Mary had a son through Allahs command: CREATE, but does not accept that Jesus is Allahs son.
- The book has eating laws, mostly identical to Jewish laws. In fact most of these laws are copied from Old Testament Bible verses. The only difference mentionable: Slaughtered animals are only accepted as food when Allah is prayed to (so-called Halal-meat).
- The Qu-ran has a lot of messages against unbelievers, be they Mekkaen, Jewish, Arabian or Christian. In fact, most of these statements are meant to establish the real faith, the muslim faith.
- The book shows disdain for women, beings who are one rank lower than Manfolk, who are the rulers of any family. Even in inheritance 'laws' women get half of what manfolk are inherating.
- Women are supposed to hide behind cloths of any kind (but only partly...), so that no arousal of sexual feelings of men other than their husbands takes place... This permits the conclusion that Manfolk is superior to Womenfolk, a most important Muslim belief.
- Mohammed's incompetance of grasping 'real' Old testament parables leads him to tell stories out of focus, without the names of the 'real' subjects, forgetting a lot about their history, circumstances, etcetera. In short: Mohammed was only partly aware about 'real' Thora stories or chose to (partially) disregard them.
- Because of the single most important command: Allah itself is the all-knowing, all-present 'body of government', no interpretastion of Qu-ran verses is admissable.
- Mekkaen and Madinaen verses are frequently non-compatible. Thus Allah is sometimes in error, where the main attribute of Allah is that it cannot fail...
- Muslim belief is mostly Thora belief 'with a twist' to all mankind.
Islamism and Judaism are mostly identical (with the exception of Jesus as a prophet).
Islamism and Christianity show bigger discrepancies except for the Evangely testaments.
Judaism and Islamism are essentially the same. the main difference being the arrival of the Messiah. For Muslims there is only 1 ending, aka the reckoning.
Let's wait a few years for an updated version.
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