Hi, y'all. This time it's EURO time again. Today (I mean yesterday), European politicians decided upon a 'rescue plan' for Greece (and other suckers, I mean SUCK-ers within the European Monetary Union (EMU), in short: the countries in Europe that carry [!!!] the Euro as their currency, while not having the economic right to 'posess' it). The plan amounts to a staggering 720 BILLION Euros, to be used as a means to stabilise the Euro position in international currency relations.
It will fail. It will fail, not this week, but within a year, a few years from now. It will fail. Full stop.
I, me, myself have been a Euro-hater during its reign. I, me, myself am a coin collector. In my collection no euro will ever be found. First because it IS NO currency that you can rely on, second because it is SO ugly (as a coin-type), third because I have fundamental objections to its existance (politically, socially, economically).
I explain:
I start with the Euro's conception (look to my early [2006] blog-messages on the same subject). During the exam years of the potential EMU participating countries the situation was like this:

All countries in red show bad marks (= NO ENTRY) for the admission-to-the-Euro-exam!
These figures are undeniable and were KNOWN at the time of the final 'exam'.
Nevertheless, all countries that WANTED the Euro, got in. England (or UK if you like) opted out and kept their British Pound. The same goes for the Scandinavian countries Denmark and Sweden. THEY (N O W) are the lucky ones. The rest JOINED the Euro-region although many of them had no right to.
(the above table was part of my course on 'Banking in Europe', given from 1997-2005)
What it shows, and what I warned about from 1997 onwards, is that a substantial number of countries that got accepted into the EMU, really DID NOT BELONG THERE.
What I mean to say is that the EMU started with illegal members.
I L L E G A L M E M B E R S! (I try to stress this FACT).
In 2010, NOW, we see the first victim: Greece.
We also know the next victims: Spain and Portugal.
And I predict the NEXT next victims: France and Italy!!!
Why...... Why did the meeting last sunday NOT choose for the only right option:
E X P E L L the EURO-criminal countries!!
Throw Greece O U T.
Throw Spain and Portugal O U T (you'll see that I'm right in July next's newspapers)
Throw Italy and France O U T (you'll see that I'm right next year or so)
Arnoud Boot (economics professor in Amsterdam, whoever was in HIS committee-to-elect should be ashamed of themself) went back to old-world economic nonsense theory today on Dutch television (Pauw & Witteman) and said that WE'LL SURVIVE. Beautiful but SO untrue. We will NOT survive (as Euro countries) while the purpetrators of deceit are amongst us!!
I suggest that a NEW EURO region is to be created while time is of the essence.
As their members (see the above tabel-picture) I suggest:
Full stop!!
The rest are LOSERS and ought to be expelled.
They did NOT do their homework
They cheated
They created an improper imbalance in home-grown economics
They (IMHO) are OUT of the game!!
From a most personal point of view...
They threaten my life
Which is my pension benefit
They threaten my existance
by betting on the worst horse.
They are threatening the future existance of millions
in the EU,
That had hopes that their imbecile government officials
would SOMEHOW be able to upgrade themselves,
and finalise a really comprehensive course in financial economics
by me of course, by whoever else....
To understand that we're heading for financial disaster
in a few years.
What can I do?
Do you have yours?
Proletarian capitalists, or M I N D S, U N I T E!!!
I could go on writing but I am at the end of my wits.
It's Now, or Never (ELVIS LIVES)
will not see their fate repeated in the 21st century.
I hope. I pray not, cause praying is adhering to man's most creative means of human fantasy: i.e. Religion.
I wish you well, but I have little faith in economics wizardry.
A Man.
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