According to neuroscientist Victor Lamme free wil does not exist. He wrote a book about it, is invited to talk shows, so he's right. Conclusion of the book: All decisions the brain takes are pre-programmed within different parts of the brain which implies that free will independant of e.g. the amygdala does not exist.
Are you gay, straight, creative, smart, left-handed, left-voting, liberal or conservative, full of fear, violent, peaceful, humorous, adventurous, a thinker, a do-er, all is predefined in the brain.
So the Reformed Church was right after all. They believe there is nothing a person can do or not do, specifically with regards to committing a sin, that has to do with free will. This paradigm is based upon the idea of an all-knowing deity, who knows exactly what a person will do or not do during his/her life. The only thing humans can do is to try and live a pious life, to try and minimise sinning, knowing that they are doomed or saved from the moment they were born.
Change deity for brain and everything falls into place: our brain is our person(ality).
Think of the consequences....
We can forget psycho-analysis (treatments sessions will never change our brain).
We can forget behavioral sciences (this is all about learning tricks anyway)
Counselling is behavioral so we can forget about that too
Anti-agression therapy and more of the same: forget it
Resocialising criminals and other addicts: stop funding immediately
This changes reality big time. For example elections. We can discard of that phenomenon of democracy. The brain decides what your political conviction is, so voting is not necessary. Brain scan all legal voters (you only have to do this once in their lifetime) and the next parliament is chosen. Bills will be passed by parliaments in seconds based on brain scan results.
And so on.
Live well
(sorry, you will or won't anyway)
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