Shit hits the fans today my friends. I'm showing my inner feelings, hope you'll do the same after reading the following message:
Ever read "the origins of christianity and the bible", by Andrew D. Benson? No? That's what I thought, but you should. In fact you MUST, because this is one of the finest books you'll ever read. It's not to be obtained easily, you'll have to find it, order it, pay it and finally receive and read it. It easily mends your doubts regarding your innermost religious feelings/beliefs, by destroying them altogether. I'm not exaggerating. It WILL destroy your religious beliefs, so if you wanna be scared/chicken or whatever: DO NOT ORDER THIS BOOK. If you're a dare devil, a bungee jumper of soul matters, be my guest and read PLUS deny this book. At the end you'll receive gratification, you'll be cleansed, you can live your life unhindered by lies, fairy tales, bed-time stories, child-play and more.
Judaism, Christianity, Muslimity, Hinduism and more of the same find their origin in the sun, THE SUN. Hores, the descendant of the sun-god RA, the Egyptian equivalent of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (not to forget Buddha) holds a Gold Olympic Medal in Religion by having created all the fairy tales that surround "common" beliefs.
Creation from a rib, born under a new star in poor circumstances around Mid-Winter, died on a cross (or pole which was the custum in those days and was more painful), resurrected after 3 days (or two+ days as the bible tells us), ascended into heaven witnessed by true fans, rebirth after so-many years (no exact dates, first believed to be a 1000 years, now stricken from history to be 2000 years). All this has been told from Hores, via a number of people amongst which are true heroes like Moses, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Offer the people games and they will take ANYTHING for granted. Hell and Heaven, virgins in the afterlife, an incarnation better than the one you left behind, happiness for all 'believers', selection (into heaven) based on predestination (meaning the absence of free will) by BibleBelt Believers, et cetera.
I am SO mad, I'm not TAKING it anymore (taken from the movie 'NETWORK' with a beautiful Faye Dunaway.... Dun Away, DONE away?.. be your own linguist)
Everything is vanity, Preachers tells us (for the non-informed: Preachers is a Book in the Bible...).
From Hores to Dyonisis, to Mithras to Jesus everything is the same: beit
• the birthday: december 25 fifth, or Mid Winter (to accommodate the pagan people)
• the death: Easter (also pagan, commemmorating Spring)
• the resurrection (3 days after death), why 3? well, it's better than 1 or 2!
• the ascension (witnessed, thus true [?])
How come that 'world' religions place so much emphasis in dates (all together) that they do not even wonder why predecessor-religions all had exactly (meaning E X A C T L Y) the same dates?
Religion is opium for the people (K. Marx, 19th century)
Religion rapidly changed into fear of the non-believer (compare history, no sources, Google is your friend, in fact Google is your sole soulmate from here to eternity) as they were the enemy: at the time they did NOT have the luxury of knowing the Iron Curtain, Development nations and the like.
In the Middle Ages the world (as they knew it then) was in turmoil. All heretics were doomed, were killed, burned, murdered, hanged, you name it. It was a simple world: the KING or the Priest KNEW, full stop.
In the 20th and 21st century all non-Muslims were threatened to be killed, by Muslim believers/extremists. El-Quaida (translation: the BASE) was/is the favourite heroe of the Christianity Killing Fields (also a movie, look it up on imdb.com). Financed by oil $$, by opium $$, by strong believers of hatred, it is the most envied competitor of Christian marketing (why did I say Christian where christian would suffice?).
I LOATH RELIGION and religious people. Father, forgive them for they do not know shit!
If your IQ score is above 100 you are supposed NOT to believe in historic idiotic trust in a fairy god-person creating (from nothing, which is a true miracle) everything. You ought to trust the big bang theory above the two creationist stories in Genisis (oh, you did not know the bible recounts 2 [=TWO] creations of men? Re-read your favourite bible and continue to read this Blog).
You never heard your mother/father tell you bed-time stories about Hores, about Mithras, Dyonisis and the like? OK, does that satisfy you? Do you really mean you have gained maturity WITHOUT alternative truths/bed-time stories? Really? Come on, R E A L L Y ? Do you really believe that the cradle you were put in (at time of birth) holds the uppermost true superstory?
OK, so you did NOT know. OK, not too much is lost. There is hope. You are in a position to discover THE truth. But do you really want to? Or are you to proud, too brainwashed, too scared to become 'familiar' with it? Are you so willing to step besides yourself, forget about your family, your education, your bed-times stories in order to get a grips on reality?
OK, than share this with me:
• there is no god
• religion is men's most creative invention
• you can save by NOT paying yearly church membership fees
• you may sin (as bad as you like) and live a happy life
• when you die, you die, full stop.
• prayers take a minimum of 18 years to be answered (ask Einstein)
• all religious Zeolists are mistaken (= there are no virgins in heaven)
• your sunday school teacher did NOT tell you if ADAM had a navel
• Adam had no navel.
• there is no heaven
• there is no hell
• if you die, you die, full stop
• so LIVE, while you have the opportunity to do so
This was my message.
Any comments are appreciated.